Im tired of this song (Charlie)

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Ok so basically I just came up with this like 2 minutes ago and it sucks.

Im waiting outside the door to audition for the musical and I have been listening to the same songs on repeat. And I want to change the song but, if Charlie was here I feel like he would say that I shouldn't.I told him I wanted to change the song and listen to his music instead, but he told me no. "As a graduate of one of the best colleges for music, they told us that we need to listen to priorities first, then the experiment" said Charlie. "Babe, I've listened to this song 20 times already, can I please listen to something else", I said. Do you want to do well at this audition? He said. I mean yeah, but I want to listen to your music, I think I know the melody by now! Charlie glared at me and said, "you can listen to all the music I wrote whenever you want, but right now, this song is more important than what I've written. "I guess you're right" I said, I'm sorry for being annoyed. It's fine, I understand that it is really hard to listen to on repeat, I've been there". He said. I smiled at him, and he sat down next to me outside the door of the audition. He helped write in anything that could've helped in my score, and little reminders for me to sound amazing. 15 minutes later I was called back to audition. You are going to kill it in there! I'm so proud of you! Charlie said. He kissed me , and sent me in the room for the audition. Everything he wrote down made it go so well. A few days go by and I had gotten a call back for the lead role. I ran down the stairs to tell Charlie and he couldn't believe it. Listen, don't overthink it, just do what you always do and be yourself, I love you! He said as I was about to walk in for the call back. A few hours later, we were in our way home, when I had gotten a phone call. I answered the phone and it was the Director. Hello, I was calling to congratulate you on getting the lead role of this years musical!! Congratulations!! Thank you so much I can't believe it!! I said in excitement. I told Charlie to pull the car over. Are you okay? What's going on? said Charlie worriedly. I just got the lead role I screamed! That's Amazing! I'm so happy for you!! I couldn't be prouder!! Charlie said with excitement! He hugged me and then blasted the speakers with my new solo piece I was going to learn. We got back on the road to head home and practice/learn all of my new pieces.

Omg what is wrong with me I'm so cringe. I need mental help at this point. I SWEAR IM NORMAL I PROMISE. that's a lie, but whatever. -Mady

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