Sick (Charlie)

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I woke up next to Charlie peacefully sleeping next to me. It was still dark out so I rolled over to look at the the time, and it was 2:37am. That's when I realized I wasn't feeling great. I tried to roll back over to fall back asleep, but I just knew I was going to be sick.

I slowly tried to wiggle myself out of bed, so I wouldn't wake up Charlie, and ran to the bathroom. I tried to be as quiet as possible, and shut the door before turning on the bathroom light, so it wouldn't shine on Charlie's face.

I sat on the floor in front of the toilet, getting hot flashes, then getting super cold, and sweating everywhere. I ended up grabbing the towel hanging from the bar, and wrapping myself up in it.

I started to feel even worse, and just like I thought, I was sick. I felt horrible, I was trying to think of what it could possibly have been. Charlie and I went out to dinner, so maybe it was food poisoning. But then again, he didn't get sick from dinner, so maybe it's the flu.

After about 10 minutes of cleaning myself up and bleaching everything in the bathroom, I decided to take a cold shower. I never checked my temperature, but I was so hot, I could just tell I had a fever.

I was in the shower for all of about 3 minutes before the bathroom door opened. "Baby, what are you doing" Charlie said in a groggy sleepy voice. "Why are you taking a shower at 3am"? "Oh, I couldn't sleep, and I saw online that taking a cold shower can make you tired", I lied. I didn't want him to know that I was sick, because I didn't want him to loose any sleep trying to take care of me. He's been barely sleeping trying to work on his album and he needed sleep more than me.

"Okay hun, I'll see you back in bed", he said while shutting the door. I finished my shower, and stepped out to wrap myself in a towel. I felt a rush of heat travel through my body, and I was very dizzy. That was the last thing I could remember, because then I woke up in bed.

Charlie's POV

I was headed back to bed, because I woke up hearing the shower running. I had just lied down and pulled up the sheets when I heard a loud crash from the bathroom. Normally, I would've just thought Addy just dropped something, but it sounded way to loud for that. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom to see Addy passed out on the floor in her towel.

Addy! Addy! Wake up! Are you okay?" I kept asking her questions and trying to wake her up. I knew she hated the hospital and going to get checked out, so I just picked her up off the floor and laid her on our bed.

I put a cold wash cloth on her forehead, and then went to find her some clothes. She had packed a bag to stay with me, but she didn't have anything clean to wear so I just grabbed her one of my hoodies and sweat pants, and put them on her while she was unconscious.

I ended up calling my mom, and she answered very panicked. "Honey, is everything okay? It's 3:30am why in the world would you be up at this hour?", she said. "Mom, Addy woke up and took a shower, and I went to check on her and she said she was fine, so I went back to bed and then I heard a crash, and I went to check on her and she was passed out on the floor. Mom I'm scared, I don't know what to do". "Charlie, did you lay her in bed"? Yeah, I did, I said. "Okay, make sure that you check her head, and get her a cold washcloth for her head too". "I did", I said while watching her. "You're doing everything right hun, all you have to do is wait for her to wake up; it shouldn't be too long before she does". "Thank you momma, sorry to wake you up so early", I said. "Don't worry about it, call me later, and let me know how she's doing." "Of course, I love you" I said. "I love you too, bye".

I waited about 3 minutes, and then Addy, started to wake back up. "Babe, where am I, what happened" she said sounding scared. "Umm, we'll you kinda passed out in the bathroom baby" I said while trying not to scare her more. Instantly, she broke down crying, and all I could do was hold her. I knew that there was something wrong I just couldn't figure it out.

Addy (y/n) POV

After Charlie told me what happened, I broke down crying because I knew I could've prevented this whole mess from happening. I felt awful; literally and metaphorically. I nearly scared Charlie half to death by passing out on the floor, and then made him think I was going to die. I had to tell him that I didn't feel well now, because he is still shaking from the fact that I passed out. "Babe, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that, I woke up in the a few hours ago feeling awful, and then I got really sick everywhere. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to feel like you had to take care of me. You deserve to sleep, and not have to be woken up all the time. You barely get any sleep because you literally dream new music! Babe I'm so sorry" I cried hysterically.

"Babe, why didn't you just wake me up, I wouldn't care. Just tell me when you feel sick, I don't care what time of day it is, you are way more important to me than one night of sleep" Charlie said. "I know, but I couldn't bring myself to wake you up, you looked so peaceful, and I didn't want you to wake up and be worried about me". I said still sobbing. "Hunny I don't care, let me go down stairs and get you some medicine". "Babe I'm fine, I really am". "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard of", Charlie said. "Okay, I don't feel good and I'm sick and I want you to take care of me even though it's 4:00am and you should be asleep" I said.

"I love you, and I don't care how sick you are! I will always take care of you no matter what time it is!
"Thanks babe, I love you, and I appreciate everything you do for me"!

A few minutes later, Charlie came back up the stairs with some Advil, water, a thermometer, and all the goods you could possibly need for when your sick. I felt so loved, especially since it was very early in the morning, and neither of us have gotten much sleep.

"Here's some water, take this and try to go to sleep", Charlie said in an tired voice. "Okay, thank you hun", I said with the pill being held between my lips. He the. crawled back under the covers and rolled over, and I swallowed the pill and turned off the light.

He was almost asleep when I ended up feeling sick again. I tapped his shoulder to make sure he wasn't asleep, and he instantly popped up. "What's the matter baby"? "I don't feel good again", I said while practically crying. "It's okay, you're gonna be just fine, do you need the bathroom"? "I don't know, I'm to tired to deal with this right now", I said. Charlie pulled me into a hug, and rubbed my back. I felt so bad because I was tired and delirious and wanted to sleep, but I couldn't cause I felt like crap. Charlie was tired; you could see it when you looked at his eyes.

I ended up falling asleep, and Charlie and I both slept in til at least 1:30pm. Thankfully, Charlie woke up a little bit earlier to call off of work, and called off mine too, but then he went back to sleep.

We both got up and I still was sick to my stomach, but he and I ended up watching movies in bed all day and wrote music together.

By dinner time, I was feeling a lot better, so we ended up ordering takeout. We both went to bed at around 9:00pm and fell asleep watching 'Friends'.

I spent way too long writing this one, but I'm thinking of doing more versions of this story, but like different. Idk if that makes sense, probably doesn't haha. Anyways, I swear I'm normal and didn't write 1.4k words on this. Hahah lol -Mady 💛

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