Tiffany is back home

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"Hello, anyone? " I heard a familiar voice behind the door which went with a knock. I opened the door and my eyes widened. "OMG, Tiff! " I exclaimed and hugged her. Due to my scream, everyone came out of their rooms to know why I was screaming. They hugged Tiffany tightly, especially mum. "Now that Tiff is back, we don't need you" I heard Jesse say to me. "Yh, I don't even need you guys. At least, I will be at peace for a while. In fact, I am going to celebrate with a little juice" I said with pride and left the hall. Mum and Tiff talk for hours like they haven't seen each other in decades. I had to put on headphones to avoid their loud talking because it was so annoying. Tiffany was telling mum how happy she is to complete her schooling, achieving her dreams and mum was telling me it was my turn to shine. I mean my own was not a problem at all because it was easy to get the family's business. I just had to complete my schooling in high school and have a training of three months. Finally, they stopped talking and Tiff went upstairs to rest for a while for she was tired after the long journey. I heard a knock from the door. Who could it be now ? I wondered while opening the door. "Surprise"" Rohan yelled out. "What?! What are you doing here? Tiff is here and if sees you, you are dead meat. She will skin you alive. Why did you call me or something" I whispered to him with extreme fear. "What? Your hooligan sister is back? Why didn't you say so" he also murmured with anxiety. We were scared because we remembered the day Rohan came to visit me and Tiffany beat him with her slippers and sacked him. I wondered that day why Rohan did not fight back. "Well if I had known an idiot will step foot here, I would have texted. Please leave because I am sure this time, it will be belt. I will text you bye" I shut the door and I let out an "oops"!  "Who were you talking to just now" Tiffany wondered descending slowly from the stairs. "Err.... Err... Mum's friend! Yh! She wanted to see mum but I told her she is resting sister she said she will come back later" I lied. "Wow, it seems her voice box is large. She truly sounds like a guy" Tiffany joked. "Hahaha, yeah so funny" I forced a laugh. "What's up with you? You are acting weird" Tiffany asked. "Nothing at all. Just tired. Phew, what a tiresome day it has been fired everyone"I replied about to ascend the stairs but I heard Tiff call. "I wanted to ask if you have broken up with that strange boy if yours. What's his name? Err.. Ro.. Rohan, yh Rohan" Tiff questioned. "But I like him very much" I replied politely first the first time. "Look dear, he is clearly spoiling you sis. Bullying others, really? No it is not right at all. You are gonna regret it one day if you don't break up with him" Tiff adviced me. "I don't care what you say" I ignored her and ran upstairs. I forgot about everything Tiff said and decided to make a tiktok video, take a long shower, text, ask that weirdo if he has done my homework and then sleep peacefully. I kinda liked it when people do my homework. It makes me feel like a queen in Disney World.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
"Who is that" I got up annoyed. "This is Tiff, the kids said you don't wanna have a sleep over with them" Tiff crawled out. "Ugh, yh I did because they are annoying, they won't let me have a peaceful night!" I explained furiously. "Ok fine, you are so wicked. They will sleep with me and I will be thrown favorite sis" she shouted. "Whatever! I don't care! Please go and let me sleep Dumbo" I commmanded.

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