The meeting

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Immediately after the greatest party of my life(even though it was cut short by my mother), I was met by this "important" meeting. My maid told me that the guests have arrived after the party and I walked to my room for mum will come for me later. I was in my room taking iconic pictures when my door swang open and I saw my mum standing right infront of me. "You could have knocked, it would have been so much easier" I said annoyed. "Yh, I wouldn't have known what you are up to, you sneaky lady" mum replied.
"It's not like I was doing something bad anyway" I replied back. "Whatever, the guests are in. Be modest and comport  yourself,at least for once. Let's go" she advised quickly and left without leaving me even a second to reply. I rolled my eyes ,dropped my phone on the bed and reluctantly followed her.  I gradually followed her on the stairs until we reached the hall and faced the guests.
    I smiled politely and greeted them. I sat down quietly and my mum told me to sit. "Mr. Cowley, this is Ariel, the next CEO of our company" she introduced. "Oh wow, nice to meet you, Ms. Ariel. I didn't know the next CEO will be so pretty. " he commented. "Thank you very much" I replied. "But I want you to meet my daughter, the next CEO of the Cowley's company" he initiated. "Sure, I would love to meet her so that we can be friends before we become the heiresses. " I continued. He then called his daughter who was outside as I took a sip of the juice. When I saw who it was, I immediately spat the juice out. "Areil!" mum yelled. "Her, her? Please tell me this is joke" I said with a surprise on my face. "Lexi, you know her? " her dad questioned. Lexi went silence for a while before she spoke, "Erm.... Yh. We ain't friends and I don't think this is going to work out. I can't be working with a bully". " Did you just call me a bully?  Oh look. Mrs. Stealing other's boyfriends called me a bully. Wow! Wow! "I clapped my hands and chuckled at the same time. " Isn't a bully a person who is physically and emotionally cruel to others and a person who feel superior to others? Yh so technically, you're a bully"Lexi answered. "Oh, so you think your dad is here so you can act and say anything anyhow you want. From your definition of a bully, it clearly explains that I'm not a bully. I'm a revenger. I take revenge when people steal my boyfriend. " I argued back. "Enough! Enough of this nonsense! " mum shouted. "Mr.Cowley, I'm so sorry for my daughter's uncouth behaviour.  I... " " Mum" I cut her off. Why are you always like this, huh? I'm uncouth, me? Ok, yh maybe I am but you should always first find the reason behind the story before blaming your daughter. Why am I even talking? . I'm done with this meeting anyways. "I blurted out and stormed off to my room. " Ariel, are you crazy?!Is it your way of disgracing me, huh?! There are still honoured guests in front of you and you just walk off?!You are becoming more and more ... " I closed the door before I  could even hear her continue yelling behind me. Her voice was annoying me anyways. After fifteen minutes of scrolling through my phone, I got a phone call from Tiffany. I sighed and picked it up. "What? " I rolled my eyes as if she could see me. "Go and apologize" she went straight to the point. "If I may ask, have I wronged anybody?" I questioned. "Ariel! You insulted mum in front of her co-partners. People who cherish her so much and you think you did nothing wrong? " Tiffany explained, quite in an annoying tone. "Oh come on sis, you should know me by now. I do things when I think it's right. I didn't do anything wrong in this case. I just told the truth." I replied in the same tone. "Ariel! " she called with surprise. "She called me, her own daughter, uncouth in front of guests even though I don't care about them, she should be apologizing to me" I answered. "Ariel, I don't like this stupid behaviour of yours. Don't get on my nerves. Mum.... " "Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. I am not in the mood please. Bye". I stopped her but these words and hanged up. I saw that Zoey had called numerous times so I called her back. " Hey"I greeted. "What's happening, I saw your messages.'Call me',Hurry'! You got me scared."she asked as she recited my messages. "Well, guess what? I saw Lexi today,she is my stupid co-partner my mum was talking about. " I explained. "Whaaaaaaaat? No way! How is that even possible? Didn't she just move here? "She asked. "Yh, but I read on them on the net and turns out their main company is here and there went to Florida four years ago to finish the other company there. Now, they are back. "I explained. " Mhm, that makes sense. So what are you going to do now? "she inquired. " I don't really know. Because honestly, I can't work with her. Trust me, we would burn both companies down. I have to find a way. Great, I'm having a headache now "I said as I rubbed the sides of my head gently. " I will leave you to think of something, ok? I have to go to Jim's. We are having a date tonight. Although this news has broken me already but I will also think of something."She said as she sighed. "Ok, have a nice date. Bye" I concluded. "Thanks,Bye" she replied and hanged. After this conversation, I moved downstairs to see mum cooking in the kitchen, still with an angry face. I then slowly hurried back to my room and sat down on my nice comfy bed.

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