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"Honor is yours! Behold the official herald as voiced to the cosmos by Alala, the Herald of S'glhuo, known as the Harbinger Supreme!

La, la, Chtulhu fhtagn!

Greetings, blessings and warnings!

O Warrior, mighty guardian whose true name is forgotten by the world!

O Warrior, brave vanquisher of the impossible shadows beings, involuntarily yanked out of time and space!

O Warrior, mighty slayer of the kraken Cthylla, The Secret One, and of her star-spawn!

O Warrior, brave imprisoner of the mutated remnants of the Lloigor, the undisputed rulers of the underground lands.

O Warrior, instrumental in the vanquishing of the outlaw Yith after their release from the Container of Amrita!

O Warrior, heroic destroyer of the undead vampire lord, killed and reborn thrice!

O Warrior, wise eliminator of the Demoness Ammemeti, The Eater of the Dead!

O Warrior, unhesitating executioner of the once immortal and invulnerable Lich, the undying Emperor of Askumian!

O Warrior, terrestrial protector against the prophesied return of Anubis, whose name could not be spoken, from the otherworld!

O Warrior, the virtuous judge of Yig, the banished Lizard King of Valusia, and of his corrupted offspring.

O Warrior, victorious champion of numerous other battles and rescuer of countless souls from threats both natural and unnatural!

Know Ye, O Warrior, the time is nigh!

Woe to the Earth! Woe to the Earth!

I, the Harbinger Supreme, begrudgingly herald the awakening of Azathoth! The Great Old One!

The Great Old One mocked as the Blind Idiot!

The Great Old One worshiped as the Deep Dark!

The Great Old One hailed as the Cold One!

The Great Old One feared as the Outer Sultan!

Know Ye, O Warrior, the End is at hand!

Know ye, O Warrior, for the past several thousand rotations of your planet around the nearest star, the deceiver Nyarlathotep has worked feverishly towards waking the Great Old One. A terrible event which I now herald. An event which is now set to occur without your immediate intervention!

Know Ye, O Warrior, the time is nigh! Act now! Act now!

Ia, Ia, Shub-Niggurath!

Thus concludes the official herald as decreed by eternal law, proclaimed and delivered to you in person, witnessed by the cosmos, by none other than myself, Alala, the Herald of S'glhuo, the Harbinger Supreme!"

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