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Hyunjin- So, that means I have to come?

Inin- How many times you will ask the same question dumbo?

Yeji- Unnie?

Y/n- Yes?

Yeji-What about Eunwoo? Will you drop him in our apartment?*she asked with excitement*

Y/n- Nah


Y/n- He will stay with his uncle's.

Inin-I'm not his uncle Y/niee!

Y/n- We all know that In-

Hyunjin- Then me??? No way, Please let me come with you...

Y/n- Shut up! I said his uncle's that Means BTS! And you will have to come with me.

Yeji- Okay.*upset*

Y/n- Oh C'mon yeji-aa ~ U know what? His uncle's think that he is a Saint but,only we all know how he is. Let them spend some time with him, wot say?

Yeji-*smirk* U r really evil Unnie!

Y/n-* look at the table BTS are sitting and then back at their table* Glad u got to know!

Time skip to night

Y/n- Guys?

BTS- yes Noona?

Y/n- Today I will be gone out for some wor-


Y/n- Cuz I have some work.

Joon-But Noona, its Night.

Jin-Yeah it's DanJINrous!


Suga-He means Dangerous,Noona.


Y/n-Then what?

Hobi-What if while coming back home some burgers try to misbehave with you?

Y/n- Do you perhaps mean burglar?


Y/n- And did you just forget what happened with that Tom?

Hobi-*remember's the kick* *gulp* oh yeah

Tae-But Noona what work do u have at night?

Y/n- Oh that's nothing just found a betrayer in my company, nothing more.

Joon-So, till when will u come?

Y/n- Maybe, nearly 2 or 3 p.m

Jimin-WHAT? Why so late?

Y/n- yeah I forgot,we have to work on new project so I have to check on my employees.




Jk-Can u teach me some tricks?

Y/n- You want to learn from me?


Y/n- Then I need to go for work.


Jin- Jungkook no.

Jk-Namjoon-ie hyung~

Namjoon-*shakes head*

Jk-Yoongi hyung~ Yoongi hyung? *Saw him dozing off* Nvm HOSEOK-IE HYUNG~

*Puppy eye's*


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