CH.29 Aunt?

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Jungkook- Why don't you play some games to cut off your boredom,hmm?

I asked him as he nodded a 'yes' . I hand him my phone when suddenly our car jerked forward and a loud bang was heard. Shortly after, I felt something really sharp cut through my face and a cold liquid dripping off my cheek.



The car stopped abruptly. Jin turned to look behind only to see jungkook's cheek bleeding as he was shielding Eunwoo with his body.

Jin- Oh My God! Jungkook,are you alright?

Jungkook-Yeah, totally alright,hyung!

His voice laced sarcasm.

Meanwhile, Namjoon got off the car. He wandered around a little, but there was no such vehicle which would have collided into theirs.

Eunwoo- Oh My God! Jin uncle, we ought to call mom!

Jungkook- Shall I, hyung? We literally had an accident!

Jin- No! Don't! We will talk to them after reaching. Get yourself dressed for now.

Jungkook-Are you serious hyung?

Jin- I am!

Namjoon- I couldn't find anyone! There are no cameras either. What should we do now?

Jin-We shall continue to move. We'll discuss with others once we reach their. Help Jungkook clean his wound now.


Jin couldn't get his thoughts clear. Who would do that? Why would they attack so suddenly? Surely,they would be targetted since their Father isn't in Korea now.Did anyone possibly get to know about their identity? He stressed.



Jin- Yeah?

Namjoon-Are you zoning out? What happened?

Jin- Nothing. Are you done? We must get going now.

And they drove off.

Jungkook- Are you still bored,Eunwoo?

Eunwoo-Yesh,I totally want some entertainment and action,Uncle!

Jungkook rolled his eyes in return. While Namjoon and Jin were drawn tight in their seats.
They began whispering to each other.

Namjoon-Hyung, should I contact Yoongi hyung?

Jin- Yeah. I think you should. We must also let dad know about today. With noona and Eunwoo, we can't let any harm to them.

Namjoon- I understand your worry.

Jin- Namjoon-ah, what must be the cause? This is the first time ever. Our identities wouldn't be leaked,right?

Namjoon-No. They must not! Dad ensured tight security!

Jin-Yeah, Let's hope for the best.



Hoseok- God, what's taking them so long?

Jimin-Should I call kook?

Yoongi-No! They will come. Let's just wait for a little.

Why do they talk so much? Gosh, my ears already hurt.

*mobile rings*

Taehyung - Hello? Hyung? Where are you guys?Okay, yeah, we're in the parking lot,sure...

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