1-To Begin

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A year. I've been in this town for a year. To some people, a year is a long time. It's enough to create a stable life and establish friendships, and I have; For the most part. I have friends all around Pelican town, except for one. The bane of my existence, the anger in my veins, Shane... Maybe it's me, maybe I'm the new person in this town stampeding on his schedules. I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that I've done everything to try and start something with this man. I also know that I'm a good person. Good enough to at least tolerate, but he doesn't tolerate me at all. He scoffs and tuts and avoids me. So starting today, I am done.


It's a warm morning, 65-70 degrees maybe. I roll out of bed and am met with a not-so-warm floor. The checklist of everything I need to get done today runs through my head. Breathe, it's just a farm. I'm starting to think that these affirmations are wearing off, every day they work less and less. Checking my chest I notice I'm out of seeds. Fan-fucking-tastic, just what I needed to spend my very little money on. I put on some semi-presentable clothes and begin a trek to Pierres.

I often zone out on these mundane journeys, mostly relying on muscle memory to take me to my destination. I stop mid-step when he crosses my line of sight. I roll my eyes and try to at the very least notice his existence. I mutter a "Morning Shane".

"What do you want?"

What the fuck is his problem?

"I don't want anything? I just said good morning."

"No, but why are you talking to me?"

"This may be hard to believe but not everyone in this town is as miserable as you are Shane."

"Oh a thousand apologies your majesty, I didn't know that you were entitled to my attention."

Fuck this guy.

I sighed "Whatever" and walked right into Pierres. Time to get my seeds and go. I pick out what I need and go to the counter, money already in hand. Pierre looks at my purchase and looks around, almost looking for someone, "You know Shane really likes peppers." He whispers

"Okay? He's a big boy that can grow his own peppers."

"I saw your little scuffle out there, I know he's a prickly one but he comes around"

Prick-ly is just the right word

"Thank you Pierre, but uh, not gonna happen. He just doesn't like me so I've stopped trying."

"Don't give up too soon. I promise he's loyal"

I wordlessly nodded and handed him what I owe. I don't think I've ever left Pierres so fast. After finally planting some of the seeds, I decide to head to the mine to take out my anger on some slimes.


Night falls, I have gotten pretty thirsty from my mining adventures. Just a quick drink at the saloon then it's time for bed. I open the saloon doors, Gus greets me with his cheeky smile. "Welcome, welcome! What can I get you?" I order the cheapest beer they have and take a seat at the bar. Out of my peripheral vision, him, again. Swaying in the corner near the jukebox, obviously drunk. He seems happy, didn't know he felt that emotion. He stumbles over to the bar. Oh fuck me, go away. "Gus! Another beer!" Shane says in almost a bubbly tone. Gus happily pours him another. Never would have thought Shane was a happy drunk. He doesn't seem to be a happy anything. I slowly sip my beer while Shane chugs like it's his last. "Good afternoon~" Shane stumbles over his words. Oh so he can say hello to me. Coldly, I respond, "Afternoon".

Shane SDV x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now