[24] A crush?

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Nicholas POV

"Hayley!" Amy screamed, "you butthead!"

"Amy, language" both Jennifer and Tess, Amy's mum yelled. It felt odd watching them all interact, the girls were all thick as theves, while they clearly loved, and missed their real families, but the girls, were family.

"She hit me!" Amy yelled, pointing at Hayley. I had see it, but Amy looked like she had it coming, pulling Hayley's hair. "I did not!"

"Hayley, Amy if you two do not stop arguing you can sit in the cornor." Katherine warn, not even looking over at the two arguing children, she was watching the door, waiting for the rest of my family to come in. Earier today they had left to try and question Malachi and his men about Anna's wereabouts. "You're sisters, not enimes."

"Sorry, Katherine." The two young girls mumbled, ashamed at their childish behaviour.

"They're kids Katherine, they can behaviour like kids," Hayley's mother Rose argued, she loved her daughter, and by the looks of it didn't like the older girls parenting her kid. "Hayley's my daughter, she doesn't need you telling her off."

Everyone stopped at that comment, it was like time frozen for a second. You could see the pain behind everyones eyes, Rose just got her daughter back, and other people were still parenting her child, while Katherine and Jennifer paled at that comment, they had been the girls parental figures for last couple years, it was hard for them to stop. "Incase you forgot, she know us alot better than she does you."

"Katherine!" I watched as Jennifer screamed at her sister, while my youngest broter chocked on his drink, "you can't say that."

"I can't?!" Kat laughed, "she acting like a child, tell her to calm down."

"Okay, how about we all calm down," Harper, Jennifer's mother jumped in, "we're all still a little stressted over everything that has happened, but now isn't the time to go jumping down each others throats."

"Harper's got a point," Alex spoke up, you'd nearly forget that Alex, Gabe, Kai and I were in the room with how quite we have been, "why don't some of us go for a walk, get some air, we all need a bit of space." With that said all of the families got up to leave, leaving only the girls and us in the hospital room. It wasn't a very small room, just big enough for all of us to be in here comfortably, but not big enough for us to talk.

"The room with the green door!" Amy whispered, we'd heard about this green door a few times now, but no one knew where in actually was, "she gotta be there!"

"I know Amy, but we don't even know where it is, it could be in the middle of nowhere for all we know." Katherine and Jennifer had given us as much information as they could, their knowledge only went so far, if we wanted to find her, we were going to have to break one of Malachi's men, and fast.

It had been six days since the ball, seven since the girls had last heard anything of Anna. It was worrying for sure, but at this point in time thats all we really did, worry and hope that she was okay. She had to be okay. There was a soft knock at the door before my mother's head pop through, "is this a bad time?"

"No, come in, Margaret" Jenny smiled, "it's never a bad time to see you."

My mother laugh filled the room as she enitered carring a tray of choc chip cookies, "Amber and I baked cookies, I hope you like choc chip."

"That was really nice of you, you didn't have too." Kat smiled, thanking my mother while she took the tray of cookies and put them on the small coffee table to hospital room offered. "The girls love choc chip."

"Where is dad, and the rest?" Gabe asked, "Did they find anything?"

"Hush Gabreil, they're just outside." Mum laughed, runing a hand through Gabe's hair, "when they come in we'll talk."

"What is it? do you know something?" Alex and Jenny jumped, "Why do we have wait for them?"

"Did you find her?" Hayley screamed, kids and their screaming, "Is she okay?"

"Hayley hunny, clam down." Mum smiled, crouching infront of the small girl, "We will talk when the boys come in, okay."

"Okay." and now we wait.


It was a good 20 mintues before the rest of my family walked in, Dad smiled ruffling Gabe's hair, "Did you find anything?"

"One of Malachi's men, Ryle said that Malachi trusted Fig with his life," Jonathan spoke up, "we believe that Fig might have some land somewhere, where they have been keeping Annabelle."

"What are we doing here than?" Alex rushed, "why aren't we looking for this property?"

"Because it could be a trap."

"A trap?!" Alex laughed, "my sister could be dying out there, and your scared about it being a game?"

"Alex, hunny calm down, so we can all talk." Mum vocied, as she treid to get Alex to calm down and sit back down. "We can't talk if you're screaming."

Alex slowly sat back down, running his hand over his black trackies, "So?"

"Ryle could be feeding us a lie, sending us on a wild goose chase," Dad broke the silence, "I've sent some men to look into it, we still don't know where this land is."

"So background checks?"

"Yes, Gabe. Ryan and Derek are looking into this Fig guy as we speak."

"Fig?" Amy broke in, "he had a thing for Anna."

"Amy!" Kat and Jenny hushed, "your not meant to know that."

"What?" Hayley laughed, "anyone with eyes could see that."

"What do they mean, Jennifer?" Theo questioned, I didn't like the way she said that, 'he had a thing for Anna'

"We don't know, okay" Katherine spoke first, before Jennifer could, "he'd look after her."

"Looked after her?" he'd look after her, what kind of fucked up mind set did he have. "Like what? brush her hair?"

"No, he'd just look after her, if Malachi hurt us, he wouldn't care, but Anna he'd leave like advi and water or something for her." Jennifer pulled Hayley and Amy closer to her, scared.

"He had a little nickname for her and eveything, Anna didn't like him, said he was a bad man," Amy pulled away from her sisters, "it was like a crush, kinda thing."

"A crush?" thats fucked up, he had a crush on my sister, my baby sister.

"What Amy's trying to say, is that Fig wouldn't leave her to die."

"Are you postive about that, Jennifer?"

"Yes, Theo."

I really hope you're right, Jennifer.


Hey it's jem!
Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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