[16] Brian [✔️]

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"18 days, Annabelle." I mumbled to myself, as I ran a hand through my long blonde hair. "18, just 18 days."

"Miss Jackson?" Mr Benson hummed, "Could you run down to the office for me?"

I nodded as he handed me a yellow slip with some words written on it, "Give it to Mr Miller."

"Mr Miller? Mr Benson wanted me to give this to you." I called when I saw him walking around, outside the office.

"Thanks Annabelle" He smiled, reading the note, "Tell Benson, he's an idiot."

"Will do Miller."


"You called Mr Benson an Idiot?" Jennifer laughed, "and he didn't send you out?"

"Nope? He asked me to give Mr Miller a letter, and Miller told me to say he's an idiot"

"I have work, I gotta go, bye Anna" Jennifer laughed, "let's go Kat, works calling."

"Still say I should have a job too" I whisper to myself, "what would I even do?"

"A doctor? I don't know" Amy smiled, as Katherine and Jennifer walked off, we were curtly sitting on a park bench, before heading back to the house. "Tho I know you'll do something good with you life Ann"

"That's a little sappy Amy" I laughed at the red head next to me.

"Sappy is what I do, now can we head back it's getting cold"

"Yeah, yeah let's go. Hayley!" I called, "let's get back, hopefully Malachi wont be there." I whispered to myself, as the girls walked ahead.

"Just 18 days Anna."



"Just 18 day Alex."

"You good Alex? You're talking to yourself." Nik laughed, as all blue eyes fell to me.

"Mmm yeah, I'm good thanks." Just talking to myself, ya know. "I'm a head off, cya"

Those same blue eyes, watched over me once again, as if I'd brake, they were worried about me, even tho I've told them I'm fine, and I am, fine.

Just not all the time.

"Be careful Alex, call if you need anything." Dad yelled as I closed the front door, was I going to call if I did need anything? No. Did he know that? Yes.

I closed my eyes breathing in the fresh air, before letting my feet take me away. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care, I just needed time away from everyone at the moment.

So I let my legs lead the way. Not caring at this moment, I listened as birds tweeted, and as the air blow by, it was kinda cold, but it was what to be expect this late in the afternoon.

I smiled, it was small, but still. I loved the quite, it gave me time to think, to think about everything, think things through, make sure I'm not being a royal idiot. Cause I can, and probably have, been a royal idiot more times I'd care to admit.

When I'd finally stopped walking, I found myself in a park, I'd never been to before, not even sure where I was, was I still in my hometown? Had I walked to the next town over?

I shrugged my shoulders before taking a seat on a bench facing a small lake, where kids were feeding the ducks, and fishes.

"Kinda sad when they grow up, and stop feeding the ducks." A voice says, with a smile, "I remember feeding the ducks, when I was their age, and then with my kids and grandkids"

"People change, and the ducks be being fed isn't the highs priority in our lives anymore." I looked over at the small old man next to me, he remind of my grandfather, "I'm Alex by the way"

"Brian," the man smiled, well I guess Brian smiled, "I come here a lot, and I don't think I've ever seen you before?"

"No, you wouldn't have, I was on a walk, and stumbled upon the park"

"Well this park always helps me think" Brian smiled "but I find it helpful to talk about things as well." 

"I don't know, Brian" I smiled, "can I trust you?"

"Probably not, but I'm not gonna be around much longer, and it's always good talk things through." The old man laughed, as more wrinkles formed on his face.

"I guess you have a point there, old man" I laughed, watching the kids run back to the ducks with bread.

"So? What were you worrying about?" Brian asked softly, he sounded like he cared, and wanted to help.

"I have a twin sister Annie, and well I guess we haven't been apart of each other's lives since we were seven, and in 18 days I'll great to see her again, after ten years." I took a breath, remembering I needed to. "But I don't know, my family worries about me, tho I'm fine, and I've told them that, many times."

"Now Alex, everyone worries, and families they worry more, even for the stupidest things, they worry," Why? It's stupid. "It just means they care enough to worry, Alex, be grateful, they care, and they care enough to show it."

"I know, I am grateful, I just wish, sometimes, we had the last ten years together, then apart" Ten years apart, is all it took for me to not even realise she was here, I was meant to be the one with the connection, to be able to realise it was here and I didn't.

"We can always wish for things, Alex, but we have to work if we really want them. I know you want the last ten years back, with your sister, but you can't, you have to work on the future you can have with her, not the past you can't change."

"Life is just like a story, not all story are fairytales, just like not all lives are happy, just because a chapter ends doesn't mean, your stories over," Brian's voice feels my ears. "We never know when our story ends, so stop rereading the chapters you can't change."

"I guess, thanks Brian" We never know when our story ends because nothing is ever promised. "I better get home"

"Here I'll give you a ride." Brian stood waiting for me to follow, "Its late, and I promise you I'm not some old killer"

"Fine, but just so you know, I know karate." No, no I don't.

Brian lead me to his car, he had a small yellow car, kinda old styled, it suited him, in my opinion.

"Nice car."

"Thanks it was my late wife's," He smiled as he opened the door and got in, "All my kids and grandkids learnt how to drive in this."

I smiled, as we talked, I don't think I'd ever forget some of the things we talked about, I thanked as he pulled up to my street, jumping out I watched as the little old yellow car drove down the street till I couldn't see it any more. "Thank you, Brian."


Hey it's Jem

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, so this chapter dedicated to Brian, a family friend of mine who passed away recently, of old age.

29- May 2020

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Edited [✔️]

-Jem x

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