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You know that feeling you get, when you don't want to keep fighting but you know you have to, because there are people who still need you to keep fighting, for yourself and for them.

Yeah, I have that feeling all the time, with the girls. I know they need me, to keep fighting, to get them out of here. To save them, and myself, and hopefully others.

But this war, is destroying me, and them.

I've never told anyone what happened behind those walls, because I never wanted anyone's pity, or sorrows. Why? Because I never needed them, and their only saying that because when you hear those things, the only thing you know what to say is sorry.

And I don't want that, for me or the girls. So no matter what I'm going to keep fighting to get us out of here, and because life should be more then what we got.

They should get a better life. They didn't deserve this, no one does.

"Get up" I yell, we'd been locked in here for a little over a week maybe two, Malachi thought we should learn a lesson and play his game, he had sent down people, and come down himself to torture us.

The younger girls couldn't take this anymore, sooner or later one of them is going to brake, I know it. "Come on, we can't let them get to us. Otherwise we're never going to get out of here."

It's true, when we let them get to us we are left here for longer, this was Vanessa and Hayley's first time through this, but the other, we've been through this before.

"I don't like this, I'm hungry and I'm cold Anna" it's freezing down here, and all we have on is the clothes we had on the day we were picked up.

"Oh god Anna" Katherine knew what was coming, I think we all did. "He's here. He's going to put us back there isn't here."

It wasn't a question, looking for an answer, and even if it was, I think we all knew the answer. For the next few weeks, days, hours we were going to be put throw hell, I think even the devil himself, would look away, disgusted in what we were going to be put through, he'd pity us.

"Shhh Kat, you'll only piss him off" Jennifer, had met up with us in the office, we watched as Malachi thanked the lady, holding Vanessa's small hand in his. Amy and Hayley stood at the side watching, waiting for him to go back to normal. We all knew he'd go back to normal, the moment we were out of sight of worrying eyes. He always did.

"Come on girls" Malachi smiled, most people would find it charming or kind, but we knew the truth, he's sick, and a disgustingly foul man. "How was school? Learn anything knew"

"It was lovely, yours" Jennifer smiles, knowing this game all too well, this was nothing more then a sick game, and we were his trophies. His prize, to his sick game.

6 girls, as his trophies.
To his sick game,
His twisted game,
And who knows how it will end.

"Mine was thrilling, very eventful."

The moment we were out the parking lot and down the street, his friendly composure was gone, and we were met we the man we knew all too well. "This is gonna be fun"

"Let's see who can survive this round"

So here we are, beaten and starved. In nothing more then ripped, and torn clothes.

We all knew who wasn't going to make it out of here, we could tell. She was weak, and young and couldn't take this any longer.

No matter how much we wish she'd make it, we all knew this was it for her.

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