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This is a work of FICTION. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are either the product of authors imagination only or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual person living or dead or actual events is purely coincident

All Rights Reserved 2022©♏odelyn_

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Warm breeze hits my face, making my Cali blonde locks fly with the air. With my eyes closed, I cherished the tickling sensation that it brought me. I wonder how long will I be able to experience this. With the bright sun blazing on the sky as clouds danced by the winds, the fresh air of trees and waters soaring through the lands, and birds chirping in the background.

A sudden shift of air stretched a frown on my face. I feel it coming. Lately, I've been feeling the shift of air in a matter of seconds, something's telling me that a phenomenon is about to happen. My eyes flutter open at the dreading emotion creeping up inside me. Why do I always feel worried about every little thing as though it's my concern and responsibility to take care of everything?

I sighed and sat on the broken log, staring at the clear glowing river with nymphs swimming underneath. I watched as the water nymphs enjoyed each other's company, it only brought me a feeling of bitterness. I've been alone my whole life and I have been missing having someone permanent with me, not that I don't have Barbarus, but I want someone who I can communicate with.

Centuries of traveling left me nothing but an empty lonely cold heart. I have become tired of it. Emotionally, my strength may increase over decades and discover powers over centuries, still, my heart wants some warmth from someone entitled as mine. It wants our fate mate and as days passed I've been feeling restless over the thought.

"Aithne! Aithne! Aithne!" The group of pixies chanted my name. I looked over at them and saw them carrying a small crown made of periwinkle flower.

They place it on my head, smiling, I lean in for it to settle on a perfect position. I smile at the little pixies and thank them by flickering my fingers. In a snap, small silver seed sprinkles around them, the small cute pixies panicked at the sight of food, flying around in haste causing them to bump into each other. I giggled.

They playfully glared at me. I raise both hands in the air as I snicker. "I'm not sorry, girls. I was merely grateful for your effort." Eventually, pixies are quite vengeful for their size.

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