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"Candies?" A sheepish voice woke my thoughts. Looking down at the little creature beneath me, her face smeared with that human food they called 'chocolate' smeared her whole oval face and the newly changed dress, annoying me to the brim.

Never have I thought one could beat Barbarus' fast gobbling until I witnessed this little girl devour a candy in one slurp. After the announcement with the pack, I've made it a mission to get out of the forest at sunset. Bringing the little girl with me as I divert her attention to the candies I've summoned just for her to keep quiet along the way and not bother me since Lyla was still boiling.

I've blocked the pack like I used to after feeling their lingering emotions trailing. Now I have cut my connection with them. I've carried a backpack with me with all the necessities the little girl needed as we travel with Barbarus since it was risky to use any of my substantial ability at the moment as the search for me widens across North mountains. It has come to my knowledge that royal scroungers had brought witches with their troops to locate any trace of my power, hence, I have to stay on furlough.

Traveling takes up our time but using my teleportation ability will leave a trace of energy and it would be a great clue to track me down. I can't jeopardize our flawless plan and put our safety at stake.

"Mow?" A harsh tug on my cloak had my attention snapped back towards the little devil. Her golden doe eyes stare up at me in pure innocence. Unbeknownst to her about my beast wanting to rip her off. She's too cute to die.

And too vile to live, spat Lyla.

I roll my eyes. 'She's a kid, Lyla. Think of it, what if it is our kid? Our kind was frowned upon too and so will be our offspring in the future. Are you gonna kill our kids too just because society deemed us vile creatures?' And just as expected, she gnarls ferociously. Furious at my words as she imagined our offspring being brutally killed without a fight.

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