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"Where do you think you're going, mate?" I whispered in her ears as sparks erupted on our skin. I shiver along with her. The sensation of our body was sizzling from head to toe to the end of my hair and I am certain she could feel my desire for her. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the feel of her warmth as our bond hums to life.

My calloused hand crawled to her stomach. I shivered uncontrollably. My groin hardening at the alluring scent of her, my body was recognizing hers as her scent branded itself on my system. I can't help but to nuzzle my head between her neck, inhaling her fragrance. Her body leaned back, shifting her weight to mine which pleased Lucca as he purred in delight, he was already strengthening his bond with Lyla, marking his territory.

"I know you would come to me, my female" I rasp, drawing circles on the open skin where my hands settled. Her pulse quickened, stiffening in response as my hold tightened. Even with all the clothing between us I can feel her warmth on mine. It was sizzling.

"Y-yeah.. " A smirk formed in my mouth hearing her stutter along with the fast rhythm of her heartbeat. Humming silently, I take a lungful of her sweet scent. My hands moving on their own accord with familiarity and every caress made her body lean closer and sparks awakened from my touch.

I watch as she closes her eyes, there's a vibrant peaceful expression on her face. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, much more beautiful than any princesses from the 9 realms. Her brows was in perfect shade and shape, her eyes were amethyst, with electric indigo flecks and the iris was even brighter, like a well embroidered with gold. Her nose was perfectly in shape for her oval shape of face, it was beautiful.. Her lips were plump, wet and inviting. I swallowed hard as I stared at her beautiful perfect face.

Until my eyes settled on the hollow of her neck, particularly to the pulsing part where my mark will be imprinted. My eyes turned hazy with worldly thoughts. I heave a deep sigh, containing the unexplainable surge of lust from the pit of my stomach. I press myself close to her and her smooth blonde hair tickles my jaw.

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