Part 2 - Chapter 13: Sleep Easy

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3 months passed since the incident with Charlie, now I was in a cheap motel 75 miles from home. I was adaptable, but the one thing that got to me was not getting to take my trophies. I didn't go back home after Charlie's house, I couldn't risk the delay time. All I was focused on was getting out of there.

Although I knew it was still risky, I was planning to go and collect them in a couple weeks. I couldn't stand being apart from them, away from my victims. I was alone, and though I'd always been a lone wolf at heart, I wasn't coping well after being forced from my deceased companions and the reminders that kept them with me. And the bare, yellow stained walls and stale air in this motel room didn't help the depressing atmosphere.

I had a lot of savings and I estimated that I could live like this for another 12 months if I had to. Dirty motels, greasy diners, paying everything in cash. All I had on me when I left was my purse, so I stopped off at a cashpoint and withdrew all the money from my account. I couldn't leave a credit card trail for the police to find.

Maybe I was being paranoid; my deep, dark secret hadn't been revealed, all they knew was that I beat the living shit out of my friend and ran. I'm sure they had bigger things to deal with, but better safe than sorry.

I'd left a nice big sample of blood at Charlie's house after she so rudely kicked me down her stairs. It was making me nervous, nervous enough that I hadn't killed anybody since. What if I left a drop of blood at a victim's house, or at the dump site? The police could easily compare the two samples and find out it was me that killed them.

I didn't want to risk it, because even though I'd never messed up and left anything behind before, I seemed to be losing my knack. I was no longer the calm, well disguised killer I once was. Now I was just a customer at Sleep Easy Motel, hiding from the police with my tail tucked between my legs.

Olivia Day was the name I was using, and I'd died my hair blonde now, I preferred it brown but I needed to change my appearance. I thought contacts would be a little extreme, plus my now blonde hair and blue eyes made me look more natural, which made me look younger. I could pass for 19 and that's what I'd been doing.

The 20 year old guy on the check in counter seemed to be interested, believing that I was the sweet and innocent girl I claimed to be. He was nice, and that was the problem.

Every time I saw him at the desk when I checked in or out he'd read out the 'inspirational quote of the day' from the magazine he read. 'You can't have a rainbow without a little rain', 'Words are the most powerful thing humans possess, use them wisely', 'Smile at whoever you see today, a little kindness from a stranger can go a long way'. They made me want to gag, but I always smiled at him and acted like he'd genuinely just made my day.

I'd switched the plates on my car and threw the old ones away, if the police were trying to find me, I was going to make it as hard as possible. I drove into town to get some dinner and when I got back I had the privilege of hearing today's inspirational quote; 'The imagination is the world's biggest art gallery'. My imagination only ever wandered into 2 categories. Sex and murder.

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