Chapter 14: Kiss Me

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The next morning I woke up from a dream about Elizabeth, covered in a light layer of sweat. I couldn't get her out of my mind lately, maybe because she was the start of everything, she was the one who caught my eye and led me into this complicated life I now seemed to be living. The dream was in her apartment, everything was exactly the same as the night I killed her, but the outcome was very different.

"It's kinda poetic. Like Romeo and Juliet." I stared down at her, knife poised above her chest. I couldn't do it. I squeezed my eyes shut, maybe if I couldn't see her face it would make it easier. It didn't.

"Got a little performance anxiety there?" I heard the smile in her voice before I opened my eyes. She was beautiful, and she was broken, and what came out of her mouth next made my heart thud in my chest.

"Kiss me." I blinked rapidly as I tried to process the words that were lingering in the small distance between us.


"Kiss me. I can tell you want to."

"Do you... want me to?"

"I wouldn't have told you to do it if it wasn't what I wanted." That I believed.

I leant down closing the gap between us, but stopped before my lips touched hers. I sat up and reached for the wire around her wrists, freeing her hands one at a time. She rubbed her wrists which were now red and cut, but not too deep. She pushed herself up against the headboard looking at me as she did.

She was free, she could hit me and run if she wanted to, but she didn't. I moved closer to her and paused, I wanted this, I wanted her, and I wasn't happy about that.

I closed my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows. I felt a warmth on my face and I opened my eyes to see Elizabeth there, centimetres away, breathing through her parted lips. She put her hands either side of my face and looked into my eyes. Then I moved forward and kissed her. She kissed me back, slowly at first, soft, and then her breathing got heavier and the kissing got harder.

Her mouth tasted metallic as the blood trickled out of where I'd bitten her lower lip. She had moaned as I did it, equal parts pleasure and pain. I pressed my body harder onto hers and she replied by pulling my hair that her fingers were tangled into. My hand moved slowly up her leg stopping right at the top and she exhaled a loud breath.

"Are you sure?" I asked, tracing my fingers along her inner thigh, knowing she wouldn't be able to bring herself to say no. She stared into my eyes with her golden ones and nodded.

"I'm sure."

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