Chapter 16: Passing Thought

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Luke was quiet when he drove me back to the motel, normally it was difficult to get him to stop talking but as soon as we got in the car he put a CD into the stereo and hadn't said a word. I didn't mind, I actually preferred it that way, with Fall Out Boy pumping through his speakers, it felt more comfortable that way. But his good music taste must've made me warm to him, as I decided to try and cheer him up.

"So, umm, your friends seem cool."

"Yeah I guess." He laughed for a second and then his face returned to its serious complexion.

"I think Cam likes you, like a lot." I knew that was coming and I sighed.

"He's cool, like he seems nice enough but I don't know I'm not looking for anything more than a laugh with anybody." He was happy with that response, until he realised that he was included in the 'anybody'.

"Okay, fair enough." We returned to silence, which would've been awkward if it weren't for the music. He focused on driving and I focused on my trophies. I had to get them somehow, the need to kill was clawing at me from inside my chest, my heart whispering 'do it' with every beat.

My mind even glanced over the possibility of killing Luke, but it was just a passing thought. There was no point in risking it all just to kill someone who would only dim the craving. I needed to find someone who caught me eye, someone who's face flicked a switch in my mind sending me into primal mode.

I figured it was time to get back on the horse, the horse being my life of malevolent murders. So tomorrow, I would dust off my metaphorical rod and go fishing.

We pulled up in the motel car park, the Sleep Easy neon sign blinking in the background.

"Goodnight." Luke smiled at me, it wasn't a false small, it never was when it was worn for me, but still he looked defeated. He'd taken it fairly well though, a lot of guys would've got mad that I wasn't interested after they'd been so nice.

But that was the thing about Luke, he was just nice, he didn't do kind things because he wanted to gain something, he did them because that's the kind of person he was. And in a world full of people like me, they could've used a lot more people like him.

"Goodnight Luke." I smiled and reached over the seat to give him a quick hug, after the knock back I thought he could've done with a consolation prize.

"Sleep Easy!" He called out of the window at me grinning.

"Nice." I said winking at him.

Everything about this motel room sucked. The shower had 2 temperature settings: hypothermia and third degree burns. The blinds only pulled up halfway so there was never much light in the room, which normally I wouldn't have minded, but lately I felt like I needed it. And most of all, the worst thing about this God damn room is that it was number 7. So I had to listen to the ever-changing customers next door fucking almost every single night.

The couple currently residing there were the loudest ones I'd had to endure. What made it worse was that she wasn't even being sincere with her "Oh God"s and "Fuck Yeah"s. She was clearly faking it. But the guy didn't seem to notice, or if he did he didn't care. There were some very strange noises coming from him. It kinda sounded like when a dog coughs, that really low sound that comes out without warning every now and then. Congrats to the lucky girl in room 6.

I fumbled around in my drawers and pulled out some headphones, plugging them into my iPod and turning the volume as high as it would go. I must've fallen asleep without feeling it because I woke up to the sound of Blink-182 shouting "I'm feelin' this!" making me jump.

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