2 - Into the Ring

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Matt tried to focus on calming Karen down. He tried his best to be the lawyer he knew he could be but he was distracted. He was distracted by you. Matt could have sworn he had smelt your perfume before he just couldn't seem to pinpoint where. Part of him tried to push it away, blaming it on the fact that he would come into counter with many women and it could be a popular perfume but he couldn't even recall another woman he'd met with that perfume. It was driving Matt insane yet Karen and Foggy couldn't pick up on it but you could. The way he kept turning his head towards you despite not being able to see you. 

"We understand you're in some trouble we uhh," He turned his head briskly over to you as he stuttered. "Might be able to help." He saved himself.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Foggy asked. Karen looked between them, hesitant to say a word. "Why don't we start with what we know then?" Foggy continued. "You were found in your apartment with one Daniel Fisher."

"Who appears to be the victim of a homicide and currently you're the only suspect Miss Page," Matt spoke up.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Karen finally spoke. 

"I'm Matt and he's Foggy." Foggy smiled as Matt mentioned his name. 

"Who sent you?" You asked. 

"No one sent us, like we've said, we volunteered." Matt turned to you.

"I bragged the desk sergeant with a box of cigars for his mother." Foggy smiled, proud of himself. 

"Yeah, Karen you're gonna get a life sentence." You huffed. 

"Our practice is relatively young Miss Page and we are aggressively pursuing new clientele." Matt then turned to Foggy. "You gotta stop giving Bess cigars."

"She likes to smoke Matt. It's a free country!" Foggy replied. 

"So how long have you been practising law?" Karen asked, looking between the boys.

"What time is it?" Matt asked after a short pause, rolling up his sleeve to look at his watch despite being blind. His action made you smile, a small laugh threatening to spill from your lips. 

"It's 12:22 a.m." Foggy answered. 

"About seven hours." 

"Well if you go from when we passed the bar -" Foggy was cut off by Matt. 

"I was going from when we got our own desks."

"Oh then yeah. Seven hours."

"Yeah, Karen you are fucked." This time you let out a laugh. 

"Can you not?" Karen hissed. "Can you not see that I am in trouble?" 

"Then let me pay for a decent lawyer!" 

"How could you afford it?" She snapped, tears threatening to fall. "You're a dog walker!"

"You're a dog walker?" Matt cocked his head to the side much like a curious dog as he spoke. 

"That pays well here?" Foggy asked. 

The truth was you certainly were not a dog walker but you couldn't exactly tell them that you killed people for a living. Not just anyone though that was a fact but they didn't need to know that. All they needed to know was that you had income, that way the questions would end. 

"Indeed it does Mr Nelson now are you going to help my friend or do I need to pay for someone who will actually do the job right?" 

"Well if your friend hires us then she will be our first client." Matt jumped in. 

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