5 - Rabbit in a Snowstorm

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You'd never seen someone so overjoyed and thankful towards anyone. The boy was dropped off to his Dad and was welcomed in with open arms. His dad tried to offer the pair of you money, drinks, anything he could give you both for saving his son but you and Daredevil declined his offers. The pair of you did this to keep the city safe, not for praise then again you were paid half the time for the jobs you completed but hey, it was hard to get a job with your only qualification being a trained killer so taking money to kill bad people was the route you were destined to take.

"How are you feeling?" You turned to Daredevil as the two of you found yourself on a rooftop looking out at the night sky of New York.

"It's gonna be worse in the morning." He groaned, his words made you let out a small smile. "How about you?"

"Isn't the first time I've been hit by a car so I'm sure I'll live. It's nothing a hot shower can't fix. Besides, if I've broken some ribs there's not a lot a nurse or doctor could do for me anyway."

"You seem to know what you're doing."

"Well if you don't you die."

"Not anymore." He turned his head to face you. "You don't have to be in fear here. Claire can always help you -"

"Whilst I appreciate the thought, I can take care of myself it's fine. There's no point in bothering Claire for something I can handle." Your took a moment to look at the view before you before you started to speak again. "I'll always be in fear though, if I get too close to uncovering the Red Room and its whereabouts Dreykov will have someone try and kill me."

"Then they'd have to kill me too." He gave you a small smile.

"You're prepared to put your life on the line to help me?"

"You've done the same for me. You didn't have to come look for me tonight. You could have just left but you chose to come and find me and to me that means something so thank you."

"How could I leave you behind? I just told someone all about my trauma, can't let the one person I trust with it disappear could I?" He let out a small laugh at your words before replying.

"Guess not." His smile didn't falter.

"So I'm guessing this is our next big thing then, taking down that trafficking ring." Your tone turned serious.

"It is. But with the pair of us working on it we should uncover and stop it quicker."

"You think? They aren't easy to shut down and even though police are fully aware that these things exist it's hard to get them to actively investigate them without piles of evidence."

"That's where we come in." He kept his head turned towards you. "We gather enough evidence, save as many as we can and we get them on our side. Believe it or not they can be useful sometimes."

"Key word there is sometimes." You huffed. "Are you going to be okay getting home?"

"I'll be fine." You could tell he was in a much greater deal of pain then he wanted to let on to. "Do you need my help getting home?"

You let out a laugh at his words. "I can still stand you on the other hand look as if you're about to collapse."

"I'll be fine." He continued, not letting you on to how much it actually hurt but you could tell. "You should be getting back it's late."

"Right back at you devil boy, so when will I see you again? Tomorrow I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, I'll come and find you." He turned his head back to the night sky. "I know where you do your rounds, I'll come find you I can promise that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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