4 - Rescue Mission

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At this point your heart was pounding, he could be dead for all you knew and as the two of you didn't know where the other lived you couldn't exactly just turn up at his to find out if he was okay and that wasn't your only problem. There was still a child who needed your help and without you or Daredevil there would be no way he'd live. Who knows what would happen to him, your mind was running, maybe you shouldn't have run back to find Daredevil, maybe you should have kept going but there was never the possibility that you would have been able to catch up or even find them. Just as you were about to climb up the building a side door opened, a small boy walked out holding a bin bag. He couldn't have been more than eight years old. His eyes landed on you and he looked as if he was about to run away and scream. If you were honest you couldn't blame him, you were just stood there hiding your identity next to a pool of blood that evidently did not belong to you. Before he could run off you called out to him.

"Hey! Wait I'm not going to hurt you I promise!" You pulled down your mask so he could see your whole face. "I need your help, could you tell me something?"

He nodded, holding the bag tighter.

"Great, did you see a man leave this area? He was covered head to toe in black clothes and his face was covered, the only thing you could see of him was his lips, have you seen him?"

He nodded again.

"Fantastic, do you know where he went?"

"Are you a superhero?" He suddenly spoke, his voice meek and frail, probably from fear.

"You could say that."

"Do you help people?"

"Yes." You looked at him with curiosity. "Is there something you need help with?"

"Only my momma but the nurse helps her. I know where your friend is, the nurse took him to her apartment."

"Thank you, do you think you could show me?"

"Sure." He got braver as he let out a smile. Dropping the bin bag by the side door, he held it open for you to come inside, you followed him without hesitation as he led you up the stairs of the apartment block. "He went in there, I watched him from the window, he was hurt pretty bad miss."

"Thank you." You smiled at him. "Where's your apartment?"

"I live at 14 b with my momma."

"Is it just you and her?"

"Yeah, she's always at the hospital so she's gonna be so proud when she finds out I helped a superhero! What's your name miss?"

"(Y/n)," You smiled back at him. It was people like him that you reminded yourself why you did this every single day. "But others call me widow, guess it's like my superhero name."

"Like Black Widow?"

"We're friends you know."

"She's so cool!" He smiled but his smile dropped when he heard his Mum call and cough for him on the floor above, clearly worried for her son. "I'm sorry. I gotta go." He turned on his heel and ran off but you called for him just as he turned away.

"What's your name kid?"

"Jack." He smiled before running up the stairs. You smiled to yourself  before turning to knock on the door that Daredevil was supposed to be behind. After a few seconds there was no reply. Taking a look around to make sure no one was watching you or listening in.

"Devil boy?" You knocked again. "It's me." You spoke in a thick accent so he knew. The door suddenly flung open and you were met with the eyes of a woman. "Bloody hell you've changed." You looked past her to see him leaning against the wall, heavy breathing with blood dripping from his clothes. "Jesus Christ." You pushed past her before running to his side. "What happened?"

The Devil's Widow (Matt Murdock x reader)Where stories live. Discover now