3 - Cut Man

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Your plan to just run home failed. His words earlier meant nothing to you as you attempted to get away from him but he was faster. Holding onto your arm he dragged you as far from the police station that he could before throwing you up against one of the alleyway walls. Your immediate reaction was to fight him off but it seemed he had already planned for that. Using his hands he held your wrists and pinned them above your head. You tried to kick him but he leaned his weight on you so you could only struggle against you.

"How did you get here?" He snapped.

"Not even a hello." You found amusement in his angered state.

"Answer the question." He spoke through gritted teeth. "Now!"

"I was doing what I always do, patrolling the streets until I heard a scream." You lied. "So I did what we do best and followed that noise and I found that woman being attacked so I helped her -"

"We saved her." He corrected.

"You were late."

"I still turned up didn't I?"

"How did you get here?" Your tone turned sour. "How did you find me?"

"You need to stop flattering yourself." He gave you a smug grin. "Who said I was looking for you?"

"Were you looking for her then?" You pressed on.

Karen was already subjected to danger because of you. If anyone you had wronged discovered who you really were and wanted to get back at you all they had to do was kidnap Karen and now if this masked man who always seemed to show up when you were trying to look out for the city also knew Karen then that would put her in far greater danger. However, if Karen did know this man then you would be rather taken back because much like you Karen didn't know many in the city, in fact the two of you only really had one friend nearby and that was each other.

"No," He also lied. "I just heard a window smash."

"You heard a window smash and you decided to come through the front door?" You arched your brows in confusion. "I think you're lying to me -" His grip tightened on your wrists only making you smile with how easy it was to annoy him.

"How would you know?" He spoke again.

"Because no one just turns up and uses the front door when they hear a scream, especially as I know that you like to make an entrance and most of that time you like to jump from something, making some grand entry like an Avenger."

"Oh we both know I am nothing like one of them."

"Neither am I."

"I never said you were." A smile formed back on his lips. "You know, if we're going to keep running into one another like this we might as well get to know one another better."

"Is this your way of saying you'd like a partner?"

"That is not what I'm saying but if one of us goes missing or runs into something much bigger than the thugs in Hell's Kitchen then at least the other can help." He loosened his grip on your wrists, not a lot but enough so you could feel the bruises start to form.

"I don't suppose you brought those beers that I asked you to, did you?" At this point he stepped away, allowing your arms to fall and allowing you to move your legs freely.

"Not tonight but if you meet me tomorrow I'll bring them."

"And where should I meet you?" You raised your brow. "It's rather hard when we don't know one another."

"Do you know where 39th street is?"

"Of course I do."

"Meet me there, on the roof." He turned and took off in a slow jog.

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