First Day of UA

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Izuku sighed as he waited. He was bored as he waited on the letter from UA, and was gonna start ripping his own hair out if it didn't get here soon.

He noticed that a truck was outside, and a mailman was in front of the box. Izuku walked outside and towards the man. "Hey, I'll take those," He said, holding his hands out. The man nodded and sat the bunch of envelopes in his hand and left.

Izuku looked at the two letters in his hand, the letters from UA, his and Shoto's. Like he somehow knew, Shoto came out of his room, and saw Izuku sitting on the floor. "What're those?" He asked, sitting down beside him with a cup of water in his hand.

"UA letters. Here's yours," He handed Shoto the letter and hummed to himself. "I think I'm gonna open mine now." He lit the paper on fire and blew it out, pouring the contents out, which was a little chip.

"Huh. Weir-" He was cut off by it shooting a projection out of it, showing a man with black hair and a huge scarf around his neck. "Todoroki Izuku. You came first in the obstacle race, so that's it. Welcome to UA."

"That was boring." Izuku said to himself, before throwing the projector across the room. Shoto opened his own, and the same thing happened. "Todoroki Shoto, you came third place in the obstacle race, so that's it. Welcome to UA."

Izuku had his UA uniform on, and standing beside Shoto. They both said goodbye to Fuyumi before leaving, Izuku walking a little more quick than Shoto.

When they got to UA, Izuku was still somehow astonished by the size of the school. He was stuck in thought, until Shoto lightly punched him in the back. "We gotta find 1-A, right?" He asked. Izuku nodded and started walking up the stairs of the insanely large school.

They finally found the Hero Course floor, and not long after, found 1-A.

"The door is so big!" The brothers said at the same time. Izuku scratched his head and watched Shoto pull the large door to the side. "Get your feet off the desk, you cretin!" A blue haired boy shouted.

"Did someone shove a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" A blonde haired boy responded. "L-lets start over, I'm Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy." "Somei huh? I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one!"

Izuku sighed a little too loud and gained the attention of the two bickering boys. "Hello, I'm Tenya Iid-" "We heard you." Izuku cut him off and smiled softly. "I'm Izuku Todoroki. That's my brother, Shoto Todoroki. Nice to meet you." Shoto could tell that Izuku was sort uncomfortable, so he told his brother to go sit down.

"The Todoroki brothers have the right idea." Someone said at the door. Everyone looked to see a... caterpillar? Sitting near the front of the door.

It.. stood?! And took a sip from a fruit pouch before clearing its throat and stepped out of the sleeping bag it- no, he, was in. "I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Now," He pulled some clothing out of his bag and tossed it on the desk beside him, "put those on and meet me outside."

After a few minutes, the class found their way outside and to the training field. Aizawa was standing their, tossing a ball in the air and tapping his foot on the ground. "Ah, okay, since you're all here, today you will all be doing a Quirk Assessment Test." A brown haired girl raised her hand and asked, "Aren't we supposed to go to opening ceremony?"

Aizawa shook his head and replied, "Since you're all Hero Course students, I can teach you how I want, and right now, you're training, not doing something that isn't necessary."

The man then tossed the ball to the blonde boy, the one getting pissed at Iida earlier, and asked, "Bakugo, how far could you throw a softball back in middle school?" Bakugo shrugged and replied, "67 meters, I think." Aizawa nodded. "Throw it using your Quirk, see how far it goes."

Bakugo nodded and started warming up. This is gonna go far... Izuku thought before hearing Bakugo shout. "Die!" He threw the ball, but right before it left his hand, an explosion coming from his palm blasted it into the air. Die? He's not gonna be very nice. Izuku thought.

After 30 seconds of silence, Aizawa cleared his throat. "705.2 meters is how far he threw it. All of your Quirks have potential, you just need to know how to apply it to situations." "Woo! This is gonna be fun!" A pink skinned girl shouted.

A frown appeared on Aizawa's face. "Fun? Okay then, we can do fun. The person that gets last on this assessment gets sent home. Expelled." Izuku smirked a little. Only a deception, He and Shoto thought in unison. "Wait, that's not fair!" The brunette girl shouted. "And villains are? What about natural disasters that can wipe out entire cities? Nothing about life is fair, especially that of a Hero, you just need to deal with it.

That's why I'm pressuring you to go Plus Ultra, so you can flip the odds and save lives." Izuku was smiling when Aizawa finished the speach. Who knew Eraserhead had feelings? He asked himself.

The test started. First was a race, and Izuku and Bakugo were up. "Gonna leave you in my dust so don't be surprised when you lose." Bakugo whispered. "You talk too much," Izuku reolied before the race started. Izuku held his hands back, and ice cold bright red fire shot out of his palms, the same with his feet.

He was faster than Bakugo's explosions, and made it a whole second before him. Izuku clapped his hands together and shivered at the cold heat before shaking it off. "Hey, Icyhot!" He shouted. Both Izuku and Shoto turned to look. "Cold fire!" Bakugo specified, and Izuku hummed. "I was supposed to win that, just know I'm not gonna lose again."

Standing long jumps were nothing hard for Izuku. Same thing with grip strength.

And finally, it was time for Izuku's turn throwing the ball. Aizawa tossed him the ball, and Izuku tossed it a bit. He then held his arm back, and set it on fire.

His arm shot forward, and the ball was out of his hand, a burst of fire shooting from the back of his hand, then his palm to increase the speed of the ball. The fire stopped, and he shook his arm to get rid of the cold burning.

"1023.9 meters. Good job, Young Todoroki." Izuku held his thumb up and started walking back towards his classmates. "Damnit Icyhot asshole!" Bakugo shouted, blasting himself towards Izuku. He just watched as Bakugo was caught in a scarf. "W-what the hell is this?!" He shouted.

Aizawa responded. "It's a capture weapon made of specific metal alloys," Aizawa's eyes glowed red, and Bakugo felt something leave him. "stand down Bakugo."

He did, eventually. "Now that that's over, lets look at the scoreboard." A projection appeared with a list of names. Izuku found himself in 2nd place, right behind Shoto and right in front of Bakugo.

A kid named Mineta was last. "No! I didn't even get to touch boobs yet!" A tick mark appeared on Izuku's head. "By the way, the expulsion was just a logical deception to make you do your best. But I could still expel you for that remark, Minoru Mineta.

Now that that's over, go back to class and grab the syllabus on your desks and go home."

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