Chapter 1

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I lay in my cell at the Hydra base I was being held in. I was seven when they drove me and my dad off the road causing our car to flip. They dragged me out of the car and stuck me with something that knocked me out. The next thing I knew I was in a cell. This same cell I've sat in all these years. "She's useless she won't kill and she cries all the time we can take her DNA and use that to recreate her powers in someone else but it's time to get rid of her." I hear them talking they tended to talk about me like I didn't understand. I did but now it was time to escape. I'd been working on controlling my powers and they thought I was to weak to use them but I was just biding my time to escape.
I put my hands on the door and concentrate on what I want to happen. My hands glow a deep royal blue and the door blows off the hinges. The guards stand there shocked and I send a wave of the energy knocking them off their feet then I teleport of the base and I run down the road fully intending on getting to the American Embassy and getting back home to my dad.
I see my destination and feel the tears running down my face. I run into the building sobbing. People immediately run over to me and get me situated. After a while I'm sitting on the other side of the ambassador's desk answering questions. "Do you know how old you were when you where kidnapped?" He asks.
"I was seven." I say. I pick at my sleeve and glance down at the desk. My eyes widen and I pick up the magazine. Dad. I look at the ambassador and raise it to him. "Call my daddy please." I say "Tell him his cuore (Italian for Heart) Alana wants to come home." I say tears flowing.
Tony's POV
I'm sitting at my desk in the lab making new software for my suits. Bruce is at his desk researching some new medical technology. My phone rings and I sigh before picking it up. "Stark." I say.
"Mr. Stark this is the American Embassy in Russia." Says the guy.
"I haven't been to Russia lately so whatever happened I didn't do." I say.
"I have a young lady here who insisted that I call you." He says.
"Hold on." I say "Bruce who do I know in Russia currently?"
"How should I know." He says.
"Mr. Stark she says 'your cuore Alana wants to come home." He says and the grin on my face disappears. Bruce looks at me and frowns.
"What did you just say?" I ask. He repeats and I start scrambling to put on my suit jacket. "Tell her I'm coming to get her get her whatever she needs I'll be there as fast as I can."
"Will do Mr. Stark....." He says and he gets cut off "She wants to speak with you."
"Put her on." I say tears welling up in my eyes.
"Daddy." She says and I gasp and start sobbing.
"Cuore baby girl are you ok?" I ask. Bruce stands concerned about my tears.
"Daddy I want to come home." She sobs.
"I know cuore I'm coming to get you right now hang tight for just a little while longer I'm coming baby." I say.
"Ok daddy I missed you." She says and I sob again.
"I missed you to cuore no one will ever hurt you again baby. I gotta go so I can come get you sweet." I say.
"I love you daddy." She says.
"I love you to baby girl." I end the call and wipe my face. "Jarvis get the quinjet started right now."
"Yes sir."
"Tony what's wrong is everything ok?" Bruce asks.
"My daughter just turned up in Russia." I say running out of the door Pepper is coming down the hallway and I grab her shoulders still crying. "Pep Alana is in Russia." I say and she gasps covering her mouth I smile and we both start running for the jet.
Alana's POV
They set me up in a room until dad got here. I was given food and water along with some fresh clothes. I took a shower and looked in a mirror for the first time in years. My green eyes grabbing all my attention. I sit on the bed when there's a knock on the door. I stand and I hear someone say get out of my way. My dad throws the door open and rushes over to me enveloping me in a hug. "Cuore baby I'm here. I'm here." I sob and wrap my arms around him.
"Daddy." I sob. He squeezes me and kisses my hair. Suddenly another set of arms wrap around us. I look over and see Pepper. "Peppy." I say and she kisses the side of my head.
"I'm taking her home now." Dad says.
"Of course." Says the Ambassador "if I may I would recommend that therapy be something that you look into the abuse that she has been through is extensive."
"We'll take care of it but I really just want to bring her home." Dad says.
About an hour later we were almost home. "Jarvis turn on autopilot." Dad says.
"Right away sir."
Dad walks over to me and wraps an arm around me. I lean into him and close my eyes.
"Cuore do you by any chance know who took you baby?" Dad asks.
"Hydra." I say and snuggle into him. He strokes my hair lovingly but due to my being an empath I feel his rage. We land on the top of a building and dad and Pepper lead me off the jet. We are met by ten people. I cling to my dad's arm and they look at me amazed or something. "Tony you rushed out of the lab after sharing some huge news that none of us knew. You have some explaining to do." Says the sandy blonde man.
"I owe you nothing my personal life is mine to share with you if I so please. My daughter has been through enough and we have to take down a Russian Hydra base."
"You can't just throw that around you don't even know if it was Hydra or she just heard one word talking about them." Says the blonde.
"So you think that I wouldn't figure out where I was after almost eleven years?" I ask "you think that hearing Hail Hydra for almost eleven years makes me a liar? I'm not an idiot I had to wait for years before the exact right moment to run or I would've been dead don't talk about me like I'm not here like I didn't go through all of the experiments like I wasn't cut open without an anesthetic feeling all of that pain. Here dad this is a flash drive I stole and put all the information I could get on it I won't give it to captain stick up the ass."
I hand the thumb drive to my dad and walk over to Pepper letting her arms wrap around me. "Are you satisfied Rogers making an eighteen year old girl relive that shit to satisfy you some leader you are." Dad says and leads me and Pepper off the roof leaving behind a very remorseful looking Rogers. Dad hits the top floor button and wraps his arms around me. When the door opens we see a blonde man in very strange armor smiling like there wasn't a trouble in his head. Must be nice. "Thor." Dad says "Alana this is Thor. Thor this is my daughter Alana I just got her back and I would like you to be some what gentle and speak in a little bit of a softer tone."
"Hello Lady Alana Thor of Asgard and my brother should be around here somewhere." He says.
"WHAT???!!!!!" Dad yells. "You brought him here. I don't want him around Alana."
"We have reason to believe that he was under the same mind control as Barton." Thor says and a man dressed in similar armor except it was green not red. I feel strange like something was tugging me to him. I stayed back because I was confused as to why dad was so upset with this man. The man looks at me curiously I smile at him to make up for my dad's yelling. He gives me a small smile back and my dad practically choked on his words. I move out from behind dad and towards the two strangely dressed men. I bypass Thor and go straight to his brother. "I'm Alana."

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