Chapter 3

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Alana's POV
Weeks later my dad had gotten me a pit bull puppy from a breeder. This puppy was the sweetest he was kinda lazy and loved to lay across mine and Loki's lap when we were cuddled up on the couch. Loki had smiled widely when dad brought home the puppy and I squealed happily causing said puppy to wag his tail and jump on me licking my face all over. Right now Loki and I where snuggling up on the couch and buddy was laying across us as usual. I lay my head on Loki's shoulder and he looks down at me. "What's the matter my puppy?" He asks
"Nothing your just comfortable." I say and he smiles and kisses my head. "Do you wanna play ARK for a little while." He smiles and we go to play our game. We'd built this castle and tamed quite a few dinosaurs along with a couple of birds. I bought the god console to get us access to more materials for our base. We'd decided to build at the base of the volcano so that we'd have access to metal and other resources. After playing for about an hour we hear Thor yelling. "LOKI BROTHER WHERE ARE YOU!"
Loki sighs and lays down his controller as I save the game and let's me log out before pulling me ontop of him kissing me softly. I giggle and Thor walks in. He smiles and I snuggle up to him. He kisses me choosing to ignore his brother as long as he can. Thor clears his throat and Loki growls at him. I giggle and get up walking out of the lab grabbing Loki a cup of tea. I bring it to him and give him a smile before walking back out to make myself and the boys some sandwiches. I make a big plate full of different types of sandwiches arranged in piles according to the type. I grab a big bowl and pouring a bag of chips in for us to share. I take three plates and two glasses for Thor and myself since Loki already had his cup of tea. I hear shouting as I'm making my way back to the lab to tell them to come eat. I walk in and Loki looks at me sighing. I smile at him and walk to his side wrapping my arms around his waist. Thor goes to speak and Loki glares at him. "Are you alright my darling?" He asks turning his full attention to me.
"I'm good just wanted to let you to know I made sandwiches for lunch whenever you two are ready." I say he smiles and takes my hand walking me out of the lab.
"LOKI!" Thor shouts "This is not something that you can ignore brother you have to...."
"I have to do nothing but eat the lunch that my dear lady has provided us and stay by her side."
"You know that if you do not return to Asgard Father will order me to bring you back by force and the chances of you ever seeing Lady Alana will be slim to none." Thor says. I frown and look up at Loki. He growls at his brother before getting in his face.
"You've no right to worry my lady of such things I suggest you keep quiet and tell father that I've done nothing since being here I deserve to be left alone without the two of you up my arse I've seen mother why do I have to see that faliure of a father."
"Because he has the power to lock you away for all eternity without the chance of ever seeing her again." Thor says.
"FINE!" He shouts and my arms tighten around him. He looks down at me and leads us ahead of Thor who was standing in shock. Loki summons his tea and sits at the table waiting for me to bring over the sandwiches. Thor joins us seconds later and I hand plates and Thor's drink before sitting down myself. Loki takes my hand and looks over at me. I smile at him. I toss a few sandwiches onto his plate with a couple handfulls of chips. He gives me a small smile and begins eating.
After we finish Loki stands and takes my hand taking me with him. He takes us to his bedroom and sits on his bed head in his hands. I sit next to him and lay a hand on his back. After a few moments he lifts his head and looks at me. "I have to return to Asgard to report to my Father." He says with a sulk. I nod and lean on him.
"Well at least you'll be able to see your mom to." I say. He nods and I wrap my arms around him tightly. I kiss his chin and that manages to coax a smile out of him. "You'll see me as soon as can and I'll be right here when you get back..." I give myself a second to consider my next words. "I might take your bed while you're gone though." He laughs and wraps his arms around me tightly kissing the top of my head.
"You are free to use my room however you'd like in my absence my love I won't mind especially if it brings you comfort while I'm away." He says I smile and snuggle up to him. After a few moments Thor appears in the door way and clears his throat. Loki sighs and looks at me sadly. "I must be going now my darling I'll return as soon as I am able." He says and kisses my forehead. I take my necklace out of my pocket and set it in his palm. He looks at it and then at me.

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