Chapter 2

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Alana's Pov
            I sit in my office designing some tech of my own. I was so glad I had kept the tools my dad had left here. I have been bored for the past three days while Loki my dad and the girls along with the rest of the Avengers have gone on a mission. I'd been home for three months. I look at the blueprints to a cool little gadget  I had decided to build. I had memorized every blueprint to every Hydra base. I had decided to make things a little easier on them and make a holographic 3D of the entire thing. I hear the elevator ding as I'm finishing up the last details of the last Hydra base hologram. I had put labels on each room along with a map of the vents. Dad walks in with Loki at his side and Steve trailing behind them. I look up and smile moving towards them. I put the tech I had just finished on the table and pressed a button. The first map came up and Steves eyes widen. "I figure that since Hydra gives you guys the most problems so I made maps of all the bases I had a chance to memorize." I say.
           "Wow." Steve says. "How long did this take?"
         "I got bored on day two thought I'd do something helpfull." I say and Loki grins. Dad leans down and checks out the tech I had made smiling. "What did you expect dad I'm a genius."
       "I know but you made a really interesting piece of equipment here a 3D map of every level of these Hydra bases. I am so proud of you cuore." He says. I smile and pick up the remote and flicked slowly through each map suddenly a man with an eyepatch walked in. He looks at the maps but his face doesn't change but I can pick up that he is impressed.
      "Stark how did you manage this?" He asks and I scoff. Dad covers up a laugh while Steve covers his mouth to hide a smile.
     "Well I made a genius daughter who just so happened to be kidnapped by Hydra and memorized a bunch of maps of their bases." Dad says and eyepatch man turns his gaze to me. I feel Loki slide up behind me. I smile at him and turn my attention back to eyepatch man.
      "Is she joining the Avengers?" He asks.
     "No." I say happily "I've had enough violence for a while besides if you asked me to hurt someone I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm Alana who are you."
    "If you are not working for me then you have no need for my name." He says and I frown my feelings slightly hurt.
     "That is a great way to treat the lady who just gave you a usefull tool to take down an orginazation who has been irritating you for so long." Loki says sourly. "His name my dear is Nick Fury a leader of shield." Fury glares at him and comes towards him I effectively block him and he raises his hand to push me away and I grab his arm and flip him. He looks up at me shocked. Loki puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles at me sweetly only succeding in making Fury more shocked. My dad is bent over laughing and Steve's eyes had went wide. "Just because I don't like to hurt does not mean that I won't stand up for the people important to me." I say.
    "You are going to be a problem and I have no issue putting a problem on the raft." He says and I get a shiver down my spine. I had heard stories about the raft before. My dad stopped laughing and even Steve was frowning. Loki pulled me behind him protectively.
     "You even dare and I will smash these maps right now and if she couldn't be broken by Hydra to become a killer she won't break for you to make more." Dad says. "And then I will expose the raft and all the dirty little secrets you have hidden away."  Fury frowns and looks at me before walking out of the room I run after him intending on apologizing to him for embarassing him. I catch him at the elevator.
      "Mr. Fury." I say and he turns around. "I'm sorry for embarassing you by flipping you but you don't seem willing to give Loki a chance to prove to you that he's not evil. I would never let my dad get away with breaking the maps. No matter if you put me in that awful place or not Hydra needs to be stopped and I would't take away information that could help. I can't become an Avenger because I am an empath and I can feel anothers pain like it's my own So unless I get my medical degree and become a shield doctor I would be useless to you I'm making the maps and copying data I memorized because it is the only way I can help without getting in your way. Please don't be upset with them they know what Hydra did to me and they understand how my power works. I'll get what information I can put down but there is no need to be so upset."
       "Well I apprieciate your help I apologize for being so rude. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders what did your father mean though about you not being broken by Hydra?" He asks.
      "Hydra ran me and my dad off the road when I was seven and held me captive for almost eleven years. They tried to make me kill another kid when I was fifteen I didn't and they upped the torture. I can't mentally handle anymore pain. Dad's point was that if they're torture didn't make me compiant in killing people then you would have a hard time breaking me to." I say simply.
       "Well you can call me Nick and I'll be looking forward to seeing the data that you got from Hydra." Nick says and then gazes at me "How do you know Loki isn't evil?"
      "What bad things have you done when you were in pain and thought that no one understand. Loki was just lost and hurting and he deserves a chance to prove that he's a good man." I say.
           A few hours later I'm knocking on Loki's door. I hear grumbling so I walk in. He's standing in a towel at his closet. I blush a bit a push it away. "Loki." I say and he spins around startled. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you just wanted to let you know I finished dinner and I want to have a Movie Night with you the rest of the team went on another mission while Thor went to Asgard something about warriors three and Sif going drinking."
       "My sweet darling I appreciate you letting me know but I am naked." He says and I blink.
       "Okay does that mean no movie night?" I ask.
     "Most ladies would not be comfortable with a naked man having a conversation with them." He says not dropping the subject.
     "Wrong most ladies would only be uncomfortable having a naked man only making converstion to pressure them into sex but you are a gentleman and would never make me uncomfortable with that. Besides I trust you completely so no reason to be uncomfortable." I say. He walks towards me and kisses my cheek. I smile at him and move to kiss his cheek to. "Hurry up and get dressed before dinner gets cold."
     "Yes my love." He says and I smile and walk out.
Loki's POV
         What in the nines had come over me. Yes my love how could I be so stupid to tell her how I feel in such a way. I pull on my shirt and recall the smile she had given me when I had called her love. I would be calling her that much more if that was what I'd get in return for it. I make my way to the table to see her setting our food down on the table and pouring a couple glasses of wine. "Come on we finish dinner we get dessert and I'm really excited for your opinion on those." She says happily.
         "I can't wait love dinner smells delicous." I say watching her face brighten. Dinner tasted as amazing as it smelled and when she brought out dessert I knew that it would be just as good. I watched as she scooped icecream in bowls and brownies on small saucers. We laughed and smilled  through out the whole meal. When we finish eating and I magic the dishes clean we get quite a few blankets and pillows for movie night. I gaze at Alana as she puts the rest of the brownies on a bigger plate and grabs snacks and drinks for the coffee table. We decide to watch the Harry Potter movies as Alana bounces and begs me to watch them with her. I have found that I could very rarely say no to her. I sit on a couch waiting for her to join me. When she finally does she lays across my lap laying her head on my arm trapping me. What a wonderfull way to be trapped. I smile as she giggles and laughs through out the movies. I pay little attention to the film as I am so completely absorbed by her. We watch four of the movies before she turns to me smiling. Her hand raises to my cheek and she rubs her thumb across it. I place my own hand on her cheek smiling back at her. Quite suddenly she leans up and gently places her lips on mine. It feels like every nerve ending in my body was alight with joy. I don't hesitate to reciprocate the kiss. Unfortunatly our kiss wasn't meant to last as my oaf of a brother walks in and shouts with his own joy. I sigh leaning my forehead to hers disappointed that we were interupted. "Loki!Alana! When did this happen it's so exciting." Thor shouts and Alana kisses my nose and goes to the kitchen.
      "Well you big oaf it only just happened and you completely ruined the moment." I grumble. I give a small smile as Alana giggles. She brings Thor a plate and returns to her place across my lap.
     "I am sorry for the intrusion brother my friends and I just went to grab drinks Please do not be angry at me for being happy for you." He says. I give him a smile and roll my eyes. I lay my other arm over Alana and she snuggles closer. Thor sits on a chair and I sigh. Alana turns over to look at me. I look at her and lift her up laying gentely behind her. She giggles and kisses my nose. I give her a small kiss and cover us in blankets. Soon however Thor starts snoring. I groan and Alana stands pulling me up with her. She leads us to our rooms and wraps her arms around me. I lean down press my lips to hers. She sighs happily and returns the kiss. I hear the elevator and choose to ignore it until Pepper comes down the hallway and clears her throat. "Alana your dad's home." She says.
             "K." Alana replies and wraps her arms around me. I hug her back and bury my nose in her hair. "I'm gonna go say hey to him then come right back up ok."
          "Alright love I'll be waiting for you." I say. She smiles and walks past Pepper who is smiling at us.
          "Bout damn time Loki." She says and follows Alana to the elevator leaving me behind shocked.
Alana's POV
         "Hey dad." I say happily.
        "When did you and Loki get together?" He asks making me blush.
       "I don't know if he wants to be with me dad." I say rolling my eyes.
       "Those kisses said differently." He say grinning while I blush. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "I don't mind it cuore I'm happy for you two." I smile and Bruce and Steve come in. They both smile at me and I smile back. Then Thor runs into the room with Loki right on his heels holding a blade.
     "Thor you big oaf come back here." Loki growls. The others look worried but I giggle. Thor grabs me and plants me inbetween him and Loki. "You dare try and use her as a shield you moron!"
     "Lady Alana please calm him down before he kills me." Thor pleads.
     "What did you do you ass hat." I say.
    "Language." Steve says.
    "Why are the two gods fighting?" Bruce asks.
   "Wow back up am I the only one who heard Steve say language." I laugh. "I'm pretty sure whatever happened between these two is Thor's fault." Loki smiles at me and vanishes his blades. Thor looks at him incredulously and pushes me away making me stumble and Loki resummon his blades with a growl.
      "HEY!" Dad yells and everything stops. "Pointbreak you need to apologize to Alana right now for pushing her after she got Loki to lower his weapons and Loki you need to put away your weapons now you know that if you stab your brother Alana will feel it. Alana are you ok cuore?'                                                                                           
     "I'm fine." I say happily. "Still shocked that Cap told me to watch my language but other than that I'm good." I walk over to Loki  and he vanishes the weapons again wrapping his arms around me glaring at Thor waiting for him to apologize to me.
   "I apologize Lady Alana I should not have treated you in such a way I hope you can forgive me." He says sincerly.
  "No harm done." I say. Loki holds me tightly and kisses the top of my head. Dad grins at us and the others besides Thor look at us shocked. Loki keeps his arms around me and raises his eyebrow at them and they look away. I look at Lokes and he nods.
So what did Thor do?
He crawled in the bed with me.
That'll do it huh.
Love my new favorite sound is your laugh.
It does feel good to have things to laugh about again.
I'm so happy that you're happy Love.
Same goes for you Lokes.
Oh puppy you make me the happiest man in all the nine worlds
Awwww same Loki I love you.
I love you to my puppy.
Finally came up with a nickname for me I see.
Puppy fits you so well besides you are the only one who has ever managed to get me to cuddle and only a puppy could ever possibly do that.
Well I'd love to be your puppy forever.
Well we could arrange for that my love I have every intention of making you my wife one day.
Just a heads up I will definitly say yes.
     Loki smiles and I note that every one else is smiling at us. I smile widely and Loki leans down to give me a quick kiss. My dad bursts into an applause and the others follow suit. Loki blushes lightly and looks away from them. They all smile widely at him and then leave the room so not to embarass him. Dad and Bruce are the only ones to stay they sit at their desks doing their own thing. Dad is smiling softly and upgrading his suits. "Loki." Dad says.
      "Yes Tony." He replies cautiously.
     "I'm working on a few blades for you I know it's no Asgardian metal but it could be a good back up for you." He says.
    "If you'd like I could get Thor to bring you some Asgardian metal perhaps you could use it to make a new suit out of it. I know how much you mean to Alana and it would provide you extra protection." Loki responds.
    "I would love some Loki thank you." Dad says. "I could redesign those blades and make them stronger for you. I know how much you mean to her to come over here and check out the design if you are ever without your magic these are kinda like the nano's in my suit they stay hidden in your armour until you need them. They'll give you your own extra protection I'm even planning on making them your colors gold and green." Dad says.
      "Thank you it is greatly appriciated." Loki says. I smile and yawn. Loki looks at me and smiles. "I think I'd better get our heart to bed Tony. I'll tell Thor to go back to Asgard for the metal on the way." Dad smiles and nods standing up to kiss my forehead.
      "Good night cuore sleep well. I have us a day planned tomorrow  don't worry it includes Loki now go to bed." Dad says.
     "I love you dad good night." I say hugging him. Loki sweeps me up in his arms bridal style and walks out of the lab.
   "Good night Loki." Dad calls.
    "Good night Tony." He calls back. We see Thor near the elevators and Loki stops infront of him.
   "Brother I'm so pleased that you have found someone." He says grinning widely.
  "As am I brother I need you to go to Asgard and bring back as much Asgardian metal you can for Tony. Now I have to get Alana up to bed. She is quite tired." Loki says. Thor nods and leaves after pressing the elevator button for Loki.
                I was back in my cell and the doctor was there. I was scared. He had the knife he had used to cut me open all those times. I shiver as I watch him come towards me. I wince and lean against the wall. He comes foreward and kneels down digging the blade into my stomach. I scream before I clamp my mouth shut and stop knowing that he took pleasure in my screams. I feel tears funning down my face and I hear the unforgettable sound of his laugh like nails on a chalkboard. He brings out something he had threatened me with multiple times and I scream loudly. Louder than ever. I crawl away from him in a futile attempt to escape him. I know that this pain will be greater than any he had dished out already.
Loki's POV
       I wake up and look at the clock. What in the nines had woken me up at three o'clock in the morining. Then I hear it sobbing. I sit up and listen for a moment to be sure that I had heard right. Then I hear the scream and get out of bed faster than I ever have before. I run into Alana's room and my heart breaks at what I see. She has tears running down her cheeks and her body is shaking in fear. I move quickly and pull her to me. "Alana wake up. Come on puppy wake up I've got you your safe love wake up." I mummer into her hair. I see Tony rush into the room panicked until he sees me. He sits on Alana's other side and rubs her back as Pepper reaches the room her eyes as panicked as ours.
     "Cuore wake up come on sweetheart your  home your safe." Tony says.
     "I HAVE THE METAL!" Thor yells and Alana's eyes snap open and she clings to me and Tony sighs in relief. Thor comes in and his smile disappears seeing all of us with a hand on Alana who looks panicked and scared. My sweet puppy had tears stained on her beautifull face. "I'm sorry  I didn't mean to startle her."
     "No brother she had a nightmare this isn't your fault." I say "It's Hydra's." Thor's jaw clenches and he nods. I watch shocked as the rest of the avengers pile into the room.
     "Is she ok?"Wanda asks.
    "She will be." I say holding her tightly to me.
    "They really did a number on you kid huh." Steve says "You'll be ok maybe Loki can help you figure out how to help you tell the difference between your nightmares and what's really happening." I give him a small smile and nod. I lean my forehead to hers and get to work. I lean back looking into her eyes.
     "You should be able to tell the difference now." I say "Now in your nightmares you won't be able to feel or hear anything so if you can't feel or hear you know it's not real alright." She nods and leans into me snuggling in and closing her eyes.
     "Come on guys let's let Loki  get her comfortable again she'll be able to sleep better now." Nat say coming and rubbing her hair. Alana sighs happily and I chuckle. They leave all except for Tony and Pepper.
    "I've got her don't worry I won't allow her to be hurt again. I fully intend on staying right here to ensure she sleeps well." I say rubbing my thumbs in soothing circles on her arm. They nod and Pepper pulls Tony out of the room reassuring him on the way. I didn't notice my brother still standing in the doorway.
    "Brother I truely didn't mean to wake her in such a rude way." He says. I look at him.
    "You truely do not need to worry it's not as if you woke her from a normal dream you woke her from a nightmare you did no damage." I say. "Thank you for getting the metal for Tony drop it off in his lab and go get some rest yourself."
    "Alright." He says "Good night Loki."
    "Good night Thor." I say and lay Alana down. She forces her eyes open and watches me.
  "Lokes it's to hot." She says. I start to think of a way to cool her down and I can think of a way but it makes me shudder to think of but it is what she needs.
    "Please love do not think me a monster." I beg removing my shirt. I focus on changing to my frost giant form. I lay next to her and she shocks me more than ever by moving closer and snuggling into me letting out a sigh of relief.
    "Loki I love you." She sighs. I feel my shock flow through my body. She loves me still? "Always."
   "I love you to my puppy." I say relief now taking over the shock. She giggles. I look at her questioningly.
   "Just because you turn blue doesn't make you a monster Lokes. It doesn't matter how you look as long as your heart doesn't change. Your still the same person I fell in love with frosty and all." She giggles.
    "Oh how I love that sound." I say smiling the happiest I've ever been. She accepts me as this. She doesn't think me a monster. I watch her as she drifts off to sleep happily. I close my eyes and find myself drifting off to my own peacefull sleep.
Tony's POV
         I make my way back to my daughters room. I haven't done this in nearly eleven years since before she was taken from me. I peek in and it's not Loki that shocks me. It's that he's blue I take out my phone and snap a picture quickly. I leave the room and head down to the lab. I smile at the metal and then I notice Thor sitting in one of the chairs looking thoughtfull. "Hey Pointbreak check this out your brothers blue." I say pulling up the picture.
      Thor looks shocked but he walks over to me quickly to look at the picture of a blue Loki snuggling with Alana. He grins and smiles at me.
      "I never thought that Loki would show anyone his frost giant form it's refreshing to see that he trusts her so much." Thor says.
     "Well he loves her he has to trust her for their relationship to work." I say.
      "It pleases me that they are together. She has changed him for the better." He says and I nod in agreement.
      "It makes me happy to Pointbreak. He's good for her. You know when Pep and I got there he was already there holding her trying to wake her up letting her know she was safe I almost turned around but I guess that the Father in me just said no I still need to be there for my baby girl." I say and Thor smiles then frowns.
     "What makes a good father?" Thor asks sincerly. I look at him shocked.
     "Well for one you love your kid unconditionally no matter what. Even if they make mistakes. You never ever make them feel like they are less than any one. And in my opinion if you have more than one kid the other shouldn't be more important than the other you let them know that no matter who they are you support them and if you adopt you have to realize that that child is going to already question whether they are wanted especially if they where never told and find out in a bad way they question more and have doubts on their worth they question who they really are. They make mistakes and if they don't feel accepted it's worse for them so if you take that responsibility of a child calling it yours you shouldn't treat them like they aren't there."
      "Then my Father was a bad father." Thor says and I look at him "He acted as if I were better than Loki if it wasn't for my mother then My brother would not know what it felt like to be loved at all even though I love him it did seem to him like I was the favorite. He doesn't think that I do care for him. It hurts me to know that he has felt so low. Though our father did throw him off the rainbow bridge and tell him that he wasn't his son so I guess he was worse."
     "Makes me understand Loki's invasion alot more he just wanted a place he could fit in and I'm happy he found a home with Alana." I say.
Alana's POV
              I wake up to Loki's arm around me. I giggle seeing that he is still in his other form. Frost Giant. I roll over and see that he is still asleep. I snuggle in and trace the patterns in his skin with my finger tips. "What are you doing my puppy?" Loki asks.
       "Admiring you." I say honestly. He hums and lays back down. I smile and go back to what I was doing.
     "You truely still love me." He says shocked. I look up at him and move up. I lean over him and smile nodding. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down pressing my lips to his. I am enjoying being with him. He kisses me softly and gently. He rolls onto his side still holding me and never breaking our kiss. I feel him rubbing my back and pulling me closer I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying the kiss as much as he was. "Mmmmm...we have to get ready remeber Dad has plans for us today." I say.
      "Alright I'll use your bathroom to shower if that's alright you are free to enter if you'd like I'll cast an illusion to cover myself so you don't get uncomfortable." He says and I nod. I lay there for a while until I hear him get into the shower. I walk to my dresser and pick out an outfit for the day. I walk Into the bathroom and wash my face. I walk away from the shower and change into my clothes. I walk back to the mirror and brush the knotts out of my hair. I pull it up into a ponytail looking at myself in the mirror. A flash of my nightmare comes into my head and I shudder. Leaning against the sink I close my eyes. "Puppy?" Loki asks touching my shoulder I sigh and lean back into him.
        "It was bad Lokes." I say. He sighs and wraps his arms around me I notice that he is in a green t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "You look good Loki."
        "You look pretty amazing yourself love." He says. I turn around and kiss him. He kisses back and sits me on the sink so he doesn't have to lean down. I put my arms around his neck and rest my forehead on his. He wraps his arms around me and looks down. He had changed back to his Asgardian form for the day and probably a while. I kiss his nose. "I love you." I say.
      "I love you to puppy." He says helping me back down. 
      "I don't know if dad is taking us out for breakfast so would you like me to make us a light breakfast to hold us over for lunch?" I ask he nods and kisses my cheek.
     "I have to get something out of my room quickly I'll be right back out puppy."  He says leaving me for just a moment. I go into the kitchen and start on our breakfast I choose to make burritos with eggs bacon tomatoes and bellpeppers. I'm finishing up when Loki comes in. I smile at him and hand him a plate of four burritos I make two more plates one with more specifically. I sit the plate with more in the microwave and sit next to Loki with my two. Just as I'm putting my first bite in my mouth Thor comes in sniffing. I point at the microwave and he goes happily to collect his plate. Loki smiles at me finishing his third. I kiss his cheek as I get up and set my plate in the sink.
     "Where in the nines did you learn to cook?" Thor asks.
     "Cook books I memorized as a kid in case you were to dense to notice I'm a genius." I say and Loki laughs coming up to place his plate next to mine. Thor laughs to and Dad comes in.
     "Ready to go you to?" He asks.
Loki's POV
      I sit in the passenger seat of Tony's car. Alana had chosen to take the backseat and lay down for a quick nap. I turn around for the seventeenth time to check on her only to find that she was still sleeping peacefully. Tony chuckles and looks at me. "What?" I ask.
      "She's ok I promise but you can wake her up we're stopping at Starbucks for coffee and then we're going to a bakery for a quick breakfast." He says. I nod and turn around looking at her. I reach back and rub her cheek with my thumb. "Love wake up we're stopping for coffee and then going for breakfast." I say. She opens her eyes and smiles at me laying her hand on top of mine.
      "Starbucks I bet." She says "I want an iced caramel Latte." I smile and look at Tony. He laughs and pulls into the drive through putting in the orders getting me the same thing as Alana. After breakfast we ride for a little while before we pull up to a place with Aquarium on the sign. I look at Alana and she sits up straighter with excitement. I take it that she liked this place or what awaited inside it. I smile at her as does her father. Once we park we get out and Alana grabbed our hands and pulls us to the door at her pace. We get through pretty quickly and I grab Alana's hand before she can run off. I smile and we look around. Alana looks at all of the fish with wonder and joy. I watch her enjoying her smiles. suddenly she tenses up and turns aroun glaring at a blonde girl who is tapping a man's arm and pointing at Alana glaring herself. Tony hasn't yet noticed the man walking towards us. "Hey little girl you put your hands on my daughter." He says.
      "Absolutley." Alana says.
    "Didn't your parents teach you some manners." He growls and I let one out myself.
    "Didn't you teach your daughter that it's rude to follow someone in the bathroom only to corner them and insult them or did you just want an entitled cheerleader whose spread her legs for the whole football team like a hooker." Alana says standing her ground.
    "And didn't your mother tell you that it is harassment to come up to a teenager in such a hostile way especially when her father is me Tony Stark and trust me I can spread the word that you pick on little girls half your size because your daughter got jealous of my daughter for hanging out with Avengers when she hangs out with them every damn day because she lives with them you'll be flipping burgers minimum wage and you wouldn't be able to buy her new clothes let alone that expensive phone bill she's running up let's see oh she has an only fans you really should talk to her about selling herself it's unlady like." Tony says.
     "Well you teach your daughter....." He snaps
    "Are you saying that she shouldn't defend herself or does that only apply to your whore of a daughter?" I say. "In case you need to be reminded what she did was self defense what your daughter was harassment so at any given time my dear could press charges against her and trust me Tony's lawyers will take it seriously and she will be charged."
    "Who the hell are you?" The man yells at me.
    "I am prince Loki of Asgard perhaps you've heard of me and this beautifull lady here is my girlfriend. I must say that My mother the Queen is quite fond of her so if she gets taken by Asgardian Soldiers to be tried infront of the King you have no chance of ever seeing her again so you best walk away now unless you want a completely different planet to hold her responsible for her tresspass against who now is considered Asgardian royalty." I say which makes the man back off and his daughter go pale in the face. They leave and we resume our day Alana holding my arm. Eventually we leave and I sit in the backseat Alana laying across my lap close to sleep.
    "Hey now Alana don't go to sleep we have a good friend joining us for lunch and the rest of our day." Tony says.
   "Who is it?" She asks
   "How does Uncle Rhodey sound." Tony says and Alana sits up quickly.
   "UNCLE RHODEY CAME TO SEE ME!" She squeals.
   "Yep I told him you where home the second I found the time and he just had to come see for himself he's meeting us at the resturant which is coming up riiiiight now." Tony smiles and Alana squeals again as she sees a man with dark skin wave. The second  the car stops she is out and has her arms around the man and he's hugging her back with tears in his eyes. "Hey Alana our own little baby genius comes back home." I hear Rhodey saying .
     "Yeah little baby Stark came home."Tony says.
     "Just in time to who knows how many times Tony would've been thrown out a window just because I was bored." I joke and Rhodey looks at me and pushes Alana away from me behind him. I frown and Alana ducks around him and puts herself under my arm. I smile at her and give her a squeeze. I kiss her head and Rhodey is blown away.
      "You didn't know that these two are a thing now. I have to admitt Loki isn't that bad and he is exceptionally loving and protective over her. Oh and also she loves him as much as he does her so I'm cool about it." Tony says and Alana and I smile at him.
     "Alright but just know if you hurt her I'm almost positive there will be worlds of trouble for you because she is a very important person to a lot of people." Rhodey says and I grin.
    "Now why would I dare hurt or allow any one to hurt the other half of my soul." I say. Alana looks up at me and kisses me swiftly and softly. I was glad that she accepted all of me. Rhodey shook his head in disbelief  but seemed convinced that I had no ill will toward anyone. I gladly kissed Alana softly and followed them into the resterant. Once we had taken a seat and ordered our meal Rhodey looks at me and folds his arms. "So what turned the guy who attacked the planet into a loving softy." He asks.
    "I am by no means soft or loving Alana is the only exception and trying to make her feel for me less by mentioning NewYork or my invaison won't work I've told her everything that I've done and she still accepts me." I say.
   "It's true I know him better than anyone with maybe the exception of his mom." Alana says and I smile at her. Tony gives Rhodey a look.
   "If Alana thinks someone is evil we'd know she certainly wouldn't have cuddled up with Loki like a kola the first time she met him." He says and I grin at him. Alana giggles and I drape my arm over her shoulders. She leans into me and lays her head on my shoulder.
    "Trust me if I wanted to do something like that again you would definitely know the only thing that wouldn't change about that version of me and this one is that Alana wouldn't be hurt I'd make sure that she ruled by my side. Luckily for you I've tossed my desires for a throne for the desire for peace I've done enough damage to the worlds I have no desire for a war they are truely exhausting." I say. Rhodey nods knowingly as does Tony. Alana just sighs closing her eyes. "Are you alright love?"
     "I'm fine." She says and I frown moving a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You're right though it is exhausting though sometimes nessisary which is why you have to think about it very carefully the reason behind the war is what your fighting for really worth the pain that gets caused."
     "Alana sweety you haven't been to war." Rhodey says.
    "Yes I did." She says "The only difference is that it was an army against just me I had no back up with the knowledge that if they broke me I would be used as a weapon against innocent people. It was a war between me and them I fought just as hard as any soilder or warrior which ever you want to call it."
     "Let's change the conversation to a lighter subject." I say not wanting Alana to have to go through her memories just yet she still needed time to heal from it. "Stark why haven't you gotten Alana a puppy yet?"
     "Do you want a puppy Alana?" Tony asks and Alana grins nodding her head.

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