Chapter 4

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Loki's POV
        After gently coaxing Alana awake I dress and go to make myself a cup of tea and Alana a coffee. It was so early we'd make it in time for breakfast on Asgard but I wanted to make sure that she had enough energy to get there much as I would love to just carry her straight to bed I'd rather her be shown as my lady and that I'm proud to call her mine. She walks in in the dress I'd chosen for her simply because it had pockets and was designed to look elegant yet comfortable I'd had mother have a few made for her comfort on Asgard. She looked stunning. I smile at her and give her a kiss and her coffee. "Good Morning my love you look stunning." I say.
       "Thank you good morning." she says. I smile at her and  kiss her deeply. She smiles at me and I step back.
    "I put us some fruits together before we go since we may need to adress my father I don't want you to go on an empty stomach." I say sliding the plate to her. She smiles again before kissing my cheek.........
          On Asgard we greet father and go to get some breakfast. I get our plates and return to the table to see Fandral yet again harrassing my darling the only difference is that I can see that she doesn't have the energy for it she's in need of a nap. I stop a maid and ask her to hold our plates and summoning one of my knives and teleport behind him and put my blade to his neck. "Now now as you can see MY lady is not interested the next time I see you approach her with your antics again especially if I ever see you touch a single hair on her head again I will remove your hands." I growl.
        He jumps knicking his neck before scrambling away. Father watches us curiously. I eat my food quickly and sit back stroking her hair. She sighs in content and I smile. Father's eyes furrow and as soon as Alana was finished I  help her up and guide her to our quarters. Mother told me she offered her her own suite but she'd said she wanted to stay with me. I lay down with her and hold her as she sleeps. There's a knock on the door and she shifts a bit until I soothe her and go to answer the door. It's one of father's soilders telling me to go to the throne room. I sigh and order him to stand guard over my room as my lady rests. I frown thinking of what he wanted. I enter and bow towards him. "Loki and I will speak privately." Father says dismissing the room. "Loki it would seem I owe you an Apology."
      "What?" I ask in shock.
       "I've been watching you closely since you and Lady Alana's departure and I've seen that you have truly changed for the better. After you left it would seem that your lady left me with much to think about and I've realized that it was my fault everything you've done has stemmed from my teachings and my neglect of you which left you hurt and betrayed. I apologize for allowing you to think yourself a monster and one day I hope that you can forgive me I don't expect it now but when you are ready I'd like to try and mend what I broke." He says and I stand in shock.
      "Thank you." I say and he nods dismissing me to get back to the court. I go back to my room and send the guard off as I enter. I return to the bed and hold Alana close to me and she mumbles happily in her sleep. I smile at her and kiss the side of her head. I lay next to her and fall asleep.
Alana's POV
        I wake up to a knock on the door and I look at Loki who's still asleep. I move slowly so that I don't wake him. I open the door a bit and look at the woman standing there. "The All Mother wishes for you and Prince Loki to join her for lunch soon lady." She says.
       I smile at her and nod. She leaves and I shut the door and go back to Loki's room. I sit beside him and kiss his neck and rub his shoulder to wake him. He moans and I sit back as he slowly opens his eyes. He looks at me and gently pulls me down for a kiss. I smile in the kiss and happily sigh. He smiles and holds me close. "Your mother wants us to have lunch with her." I say.
      "Alright love let's go." He says getting up.....................
     A few days later on Loki's birthday I wake up excited. I slip out of bed and grab the present I got him and grabbed him a cup of tea setting both things on his bedside table. I kiss his neck and rub his shoulder. He moans and wraps his arms around me. "Happy Birthday Loki." I say.
    "Thank you my love. " He says smiling as he kisses me.
    "You're birthday present is on your nightstand Lokes." I say and he sits and grabs the gift. He kisses my cheek before opening it and smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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