Chapter Three

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My eyes widen and my heart stops. I shake my head "Yeah, that's not going to happen" I state crossing my arms over my chest. There is no way I'm going to allow this.

"Yes, you will marry him. He will take over my mafia." my father demands, my jaw drops open. Am I not good enough for him? I worked my ass off day and night to meet his standard and I'm still not good enough.

"Will I ever be fucking good enough for you?" I question, the anger laced in my tone. My eyes narrow at my father who is sitting down on his chair acting like he didn't just marry off his daughter to a total stranger. My father gave me a challenging look and that made my blood boil.

"Who do you think you are? I'm not going to be in a loveless marriage just so you can get your way." I argue, my fist turning into balls. My father's jaw ticks and he glares at me. If there is one thing my father hates it is when I talk back. I've always had an attitude and of course, he didn't like it. But I had to learn it somewhere and I sure as hell didn't get it from my mom. My father stands up and plants his knuckles on the edge of the desk so he's leaning over it, his face red with rage.

"I am your father and you will listen to me" he yells, flecks of spit hitting my face.

I wipe the spit off my face with my sleeve and roll my eyes. "What father you are" I scoff, crossing my legs over each other. "The marriage is for Dream's and my mafia to combine." My father says sitting back down on his chair. "So you rather combine our mafia than hand it over to your own daughter?" I question completely feed up with my father. My father just looks at me his eyes cold. "Unbelievable!" I breathe, shaking my head.

There is no way out of this. I'm going to have to marry Dream either way. Might as well try and play my cards right.  "I'll only do it if the two mafia stays separate, but allied with each other. Dream will be in charge of his mafia and I will be in charge of yours." I say to my father staring him dead in the eye.

My father looks down at the oak desk, his head hung low in thought. It was completely silent in the office the only thing you can hear is my father's angry puffs. He sighs and looks up at me. "Fine, but you will only own 50% of my mafia." My father says In a final tone. Warning me not to push any further. I can tell he doesn't like my proposition and that's why he only gave me 50% ownership. Because when push comes to shove, people in the mafia always listen to the man first.

"I can agree to those terms." I say professionally with a blank face knowing this is the best I can do. I look over to Dream to see if he agrees. His emerald eyes are looking at me with curiosity and he has a small smirk on his face. He slowly turns his head towards my father. "I agree with those terms also. '' Dream husky voice says.

My dad claps once, "Then it's settled, I have a new updated contact tomorrow you both will sign.'' My dad says with a small smirk. He got what he wanted, Dream to  control his mafia. Of course he's happy. I bite my bottom lip trying to focus on not lashing out and doing something I'll regret. As I watch my dad's triumphant face my anger for him grows.

I have been through so much for him, by him, for the mafia and I'm still not up to his standards. I hear my father stand up and so does Dream. I glance towards the two men and they are shaking hands. "Pleasure doing business with you Dream. I'm sure you'll take great care of the mafia." My father says to Dream. He doesn't even care about me anymore, only his mafia. I still had a little hope for my father. I still believed he was the same man he was before. But all his actions pushed down my hope trying to make it drown, and this was the one thing that pushed it under.

My father is nothing to me.

I stand up to match the two men even though they are both taller than me. "Are we done here?" I ask, venom in my tone. I just want to get out of this stuffy room. I need my mom. Did mom know? Did she know all this time and not tell me? No, she wouldn't do that. "Yes, you are dismissed" my father tells me.

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