8. Commenciation of the phases!

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It was the next day and Midoriya had woken up earlier than usual to meet Toga. Without telling his mother..
The day before he had come home to an empty apartment, his mother hadn't arrived yet.
But when she did.. She burst into the room with a surprised look asking if what happened was true. He didn't have the guts to tell her himself so he just looked the other way. Like always.
Too pathetic to tell  her the truth..
They simply ate dinner in silence, though the atmosphere was thick.

So today he really had nowhere to be.
But to meet Toga. So that's what he did! Waiting in an alleyway.. I admit probably not the best way to spend a Friday morning- and probably afternoon- but oh well..
"Hia!" He shot up straight, she really has to stop sneaking up on him..
"Oh, hi Toga! About what you said earlier...-" He was curious about how she would be able to get him into UA. Hes researched practically everyway to get in! And nothing. Nothing ever seemed like it would work, or that it should. Being able to is like saying you can walk into Endeavour's agency without getting yelled at.
Or threatened.

He's tried.

"Bout what?" She swirled around a pipe sticking from a less than tan building. The place was a bit unnerving..
"About.. About the thing you said yesterday.." He lowered his voice as if it were some type of secret. Which it very well could be.
"Ohh..!" She drawled out, "That. Well, I do have a bit of an ideaaa~ But.. In order for it to work we're gonna have to do a lot more.. Configuring.." Extremely off topic, but, although he was concentrating on her words he couldn't help but notice the way she talked.
He liked it. The way she drawled out her words, exaggerating the syllables.. How she could be speaking fast, and then slowly..

He should really be paying attention.
"-You got it?" He was snapped from his thoughts as Toga finished her sentence. He did not hear one bit, "Wait- what?" She looked at him, sighed, then said, "Your getting a workout routine. "
He barley had time to react but to let out a, "huh?" Before getting dragged to who knows where this time.

But after a while she seemed to slow down as the air began to smell more and more like salt water.
"We're here!" She finally let go of his hand as she twirled around a metal sign. This was Takoba beach.
Infamously known for the huge amounts of garbage. Most people don't even remember what it looked like before all this trash was disposed here.
"Umm.. Why are we here exactly?" He said quite nervously, he didn't want to offend Toga in, 'some' way.
She hummed in her pretty voice before answering, "Silly! THIS is your training. You have to clean the entire beach before the school year ends." He stared at her mouth agape, THIS. This entire beach!? that would take forever!

"B-but isn't that a bit.. Ambitious?" He couldn't help stuttering, "C'mon, you still have like, most of the year!" Ok, I guess that was a bit of time, but for something like this!?
He wished he had her same enthusiasm....
"Come on! Don't be such a downer! We- or, you.- Can do this! Besides you don't have anywhere to be now that schools not in the way."
Right... He got expelled.. Which he really didn't think was all that fair! But still very much true..
He can do this!
He looked way more determined than he's ever been,  "Ok, so what I want you, izu to do is just meet here everyday in the mornings. And soon enough we can commence to phase 2!" She lifted her fist into the air in an upbeat way, smiling. She was so.. Perfect..
And, again! He really should not be thinking like this!! What is wrongg with him! And also, phase 2?
"Phase 2? What's phase 2?" He said confused, she simply giggled. "You'll find out soon! Bye Izu-kun!"

And... She left.. Well it's fine, he trusts Toga. Ok, so tomorrow hes gonna sneak out, again..
If his mom were to find out he would be a bigger disappointment. And...
He wouldn't be able to meet Toga anymore..
He'll just have to keep her a secret, a selfish secret...

---------End of chapter ---  (736 words excluding this)

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