35. Act the act.

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Whoah, what a doozy. She.. Really just told lies after lies to her Izu, and the worst part is.. It's not even a thing of smarts, but her lies were all mixed in with pieces of truths. It was so well fabricated, and all of it worked in her favor.. How weird that works, huh?

Now, she could get the date of the field trip without having to sneak in, and her Izu would do it without questioning because she already gave such a great reason. Everything would work out.
"What are you smiling about blondie?" Dabi tsked at her. "Nothing.!~" She said dreamily. "Forget I even asked." He said with an obvious face of disgust. How insensitive.
"Well at least I have somebody, grouchy pants-" She shut her mouth realizing what she had said. "Ehh, don't worry bout it blondie, matter of fact, I do too." Dabi brushed her off. "..Promise not to tell Shigaraki?" She asked. "Ya, ya, whatever."

Phew, for a moment she thought this was the end of Himiko Toga. But that still leaves something she had wanted to address with her Izu. If Shigaraki ever saw the two, he would hold Izu over her head and maybe even force him to join the league. If they end up spending more time with each other, they'll need to find a way to make her look less obvious..
"Hayy, Dabi, do you happen to have some spare contacts?" She smiled wildly, and something told Dabi he wouldn't want to ask this time either. He sighed, "I do.." That only caused her to grin wider. "Perfect."

Today after school he was to meet with Himiko and spend some time with her. Just them two and no distractions like school. She had given him some directions to what appeared to be an amusement park. How fun. He thought. Now to just wait for her at the entrance like she told him to.
A little while later and some girl went up to him. He decided to ignore it. That was until she decided to jump on him, she had these green eyes and had her hair down in waves.

"Hi Izu!!" She yelled. That's when he realized. "HIMIKO!?" He was so confused, she looked totally different. "Yesserriii~!" She drawled out, giving him a quick kiss on the nose. "I'm glad you didn't go for me before you knew. That would've ended not well.." Before he had time to question her, she yelled excitedly. "I'm so happy you made time for me! Come on, there's so many rides and only so many hours in a day!"
He chuckled, "Alright, let's go Himi!"
As they stood in line for tickets, he wondered why she had done all this. Was it to prove he had only eyes for her? Did Himiko really feel the need to test him? Or, what..

"Next..!" The ticket-seller yelled, which snapped him out of his temporary pause.
After paying, they entered the rides section. "Which one do you want to go on?" He asked her, taking note of all the roller-coasters. "All of them, silly!" He gaped at her. "We can save that one for last, it's the most romantic one." Toga hummed, pointed at a Ferris wheel. He took a deep inhale, "Okay then." His stomach already going queasy at the thought of all those roller-coasters. She simply gave him a goofy grin. 😀 '..What fun.' He thought.

They had ended up goofing around in the unbearably long lines, but as night approached and it got late, the lines where shorter. ".. Hay~ Izu, remember what I said about the roller-coaster?" She hinted subtly. "Yes I do." He hummed taking hold of her hand with his own.
Y'know, at first it had been a bit weird, kissing Toga and getting used to it with her new look. But now, he was slowly warning up to the idea. After all, this is what Toga had to endure since she was now only allowed to be seen with Uzuki Yadormii.

Finally it was their turn to board. It was mostly couples now, like them, who had the same idea as Toga. As soon as they where high up enough, Toga climbed up onto his lap. He blushed, "W-what?" She giggled, "Like I said, you get flustered so easily.. I just prefer to be closer to you." She bobbed her head happily with each word. "Of course, your so pretty, how could I not?" His words where bold, but on my gosh, he was nervous as heck. "Hee, hee~ Then I guess you wouldn't mind this.." She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his.
He did his best to be respectful, only putting his hands where Himiko allowed him.
Atlast, their kiss ended, blush still on his face as they calmed their breathing in sync. "By the way, I uhh.. I got the date for you." He gulped, still having tingling lips from their kiss. "Oh, how perfect!" She squealed, getting off of him. Because, they both new, that it would be quiet awkward for the boarder boarding the boardees to see them like this.

He wished it could've lasted longer, but the place would probably close soon, andddd... He had school tomorrow. He thinks. Honesty, sometimes he forgets, being with Toga just makes him, forget.
It was nice feeling, honestly! It had been a long time since he had been this carefree.
"Why don't we stay?" He heard Toga say, he stared wide-eyed. "You looking to play hooky?" She playfully hit him, "Why not? I think some of the other couples are thinking of it too." But.. Ah, screw it. "Alright." He replied, giving a wolfish grin.
Looks like they're staying overnight then, huh?

(966 words excluding this.)

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