10. Oof..

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Currently he was at the beach, but he went a little to early and it was actually quite cold.
Toga wouldn't be here because of something she had to do, so.. That just left him to practice.
So like Toga had told him yesterday he ran 3 times around the entire perimeter. He had thought about skipping one, but he was determined to do what Toga had instructed of him to do, no short cuts!

So.. Where was Toga you may ask? Well, in a tree. Not figuratively, but literally. In a tree. More specifically one in Takoba beach. See, she was spying on Midoriya and used an excuse to say, 'She wouldn't be there' Well she lied.
She wanted to see if he would do what she told him even if she wasn't there watching. I mean, he really has no reason to listen to her, they met like.. Last week. But still, here she was. Creepily starring in a tree.
Hmm.. This is great! I know he'll make a good hero. Although she does feel kinda bad.. Here Izu is, listening to her like a good person, trusting her. And she, spying on him after telling him a dilibrit  lie about having to take care of something. She felt soo bad! I mean it was just a test to see if he would actually do what he was supposed too, and he did! Well now what? She can't just stalk her friend all day, it's clear he's going through with what he said. -And she isn't - but that's not the point.
Hmm, what should she do.

Well apparently the most reasonable thing she had in mind was jumping out of the tree and looking at Midoriya from afar. Still the same thing, spying. She just wanted to see a little longer to make sure he was working. But she quickly grew bored of it and decided to scare him.
Oh she can't wait to see the surprised look on his face when he sees her!
So she hid behind a pile of garbage and.. Jumped! "HI IZU-KUN!!" "GAH! WHa-!?" She giggled, he looked so confused. "What? How- I thought you had to take of some family business or something?" He was very much confused as to why Toga was here. "Ya, it got canceled or something... Anyways! I see your doing what your supposed to do. And while I'm here I might as well stick around, cool? Ya. Just continue!" She laughed nervously not wanting to tell him the truth; that she was spying on him.
Midoriya stuttered out a response "I mean a-alright." And continued with what he had been doing previously before Toga showed up.

This whole thing happened just like the other day, joking around, having fun chasing each other, overall just having a good time. So they continued till it was mid-afternoon. "Hayy~ izu? You wouldn't mind if I walked you home, would you? I just really want to meet your mother, she seems like a nice woman!" Midoriya almost choked on the water he was drinking when Toga uttered those words.
Meet his mother? Oh gosh, he worried about what his mother would think. Would she assume something happened? He tried to calm himself down before giving her an answer. "Alright, but please, don't mention any of this. The, 'me wanting to be a hero' ok?" He really didn't want his mom finding out, she'd probably prohibit any more contact with Himiko if she found out. "Alright! Now come on! Lets go!"

He laughed with her as they went along racing each other through the roads.
At some point they slowed down to admire what some shops had to offer. It was a display center with dresses, suits, ties, jewelry, fancy pet accessories, just a lot of stuff. While they walked by he noticed that Toga eyed a specific bracelet. Almost with a longing want, kinda like she looks at him- wait, no.. Anyways, he should probably keep that in mind. She seems to really like it, maybe he should buy it for her as a thank you.
Soon enough they came to the street where the apartments where, Toga bounced excitedly while Midoriya fidgited nervously. This was it, they where here and Toga and his mother where going to meet. This is normal, this is what normal friends do all the time. So why is he so nervous?

They both approached the door that led into his apartment, he decided to knock. He felt that using his spare key wouldn't give his mother enough time to react, like this she could be more prepared, and he could have more time to try and calm down. The slight creak of the door put him on edge, his mother stood there behind the door not noticing Toga yet. But when she did, "Oh! Hello, are you a friend of Midoriya's? Please come in, come in!" A delightful smile on his mother's lips. When he looked at Toga she had her hair down and there wasn't single wrinkle on her clothes. When did she have enough time to do that!? She winked at him secretly while she passed him inside, while he just looked shocked. "I'll go prepare some tea, you two just sit there!" His mother went to the kitchen, wow.. Well this wasn't what he was expecting his mother to react like, well it's to late to turn back now..
But seriously. How did Toga get ready so fast!? Like, sheeesh. He knew Toga was excited but this is like next level! He posture was straight, her eyes opened wide, and a welcoming smile. Not to sound offensive but she usually has a chaotic smile on her face. I mean both suit her well, but she's like an entirely different person! But he doesn't know how she'll act around his mom. He likes her personality but his mother... Might be a little less understanding if out of nowhere she talked about a bird, president uprising in the middle of a conversation.
He just needs to have a bit more trust in Toga, ya. It will all work out..

END CHAPTER (1028 words excluding this.)

Pre-prepared chapter since I'm busy this week, so I wrote this last week but am posting it this week, so ya.. Good morning, or night, or day! It's 11:11 when I'm writing this, so kinda late lol. :]
(It's fridayy!~)

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