1. (y/n)

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Pepa is in the kitchen talking with Dolores and Julieta when Dolores covers her ears. Before they can ask what's wrong they hear it

"You need to leave now!" shouted Felix from the front.

Now Felix is a gentle guy and to hear him yell is something so rare. Pepa runs to see what's going on while Julieta takes Dolores to her sound proof room. Pepa sees you standing there with your hands up

"I Just wanted to talk to Pepa real quick. I don't want to bother.." you tell the man.

you look and see the woman you loved for years.

"Pepa.." you say and Felix turns to her

"go inside I will handle this. " Felix says with hatred towards you.

You understand why he hates you. You and Pepa was close friends but you never admitted your feelings because Felix got to her first. you let them be together and they had Dolores. Soon after they had problems and went on a break. Pepa was devastated and went to you for comfort. you thinking they was done for good admitted your feelings. She admitted she loved you back so you slept together. then 2 weeks later Felix apologized and wanted to be a family. they agreed to counseling. she broke it to you and gave you one last night together. that's when she got pregnant by you. they hid that fact from Camilo that he's yours. not even you knew until you saw him when you came back today. you left when Pepa got back with Felix because it hurt. she knew she was pregnant when you told Bruno you was leaving since he was your bestfriend. you came back because of a gut feeling.

"It's okay Felix. I'll be inside in a minute." Pepa tells her husband

she keeps chanting clear skies in her head. she won't ever tell anyone but she got that from you when you use to calm her. you use to hold her while she was sad and tell her;"imagine you are somewhere safe. clear skies amor clear skies. " she would usually calm down fast because it was you.

Felix stares at you and then goes inside. you and Pepa walk away from the house just in case anyone came and she didn't want to explain who you was.

"It's good to see you...Still as beautiful as always. " you tell her

"no don't. you don't have the right to leave and then come back and compliment me!" Pepa says clearly hurt and thunder roars.

"i'm sorry i'm sorry. i don't want to mess your clear skies up. " you tell her with your hands up and step back.

she takes and deep breath and tries to calm herself. you give her the minute she needs

"what do you want?" Pepa ask

"well... I was coming back to town just a stop on my way and then I saw Isabela... god has she grown. well she was arguing with a curly haired boy and called him primo. I know Bruno didn't have any kids around the time I left so i knew he was yours. I saw him smirk and i knew that smirk very well.. I see it every time i look in the mirror. I just have to know.. is he mine?" you ask

"He's Felix's son but has your DNA." she answers.

"did you know before I left?" you ask

"yes and so did Felix but we decided we'd raise him together." she says looking away with a cloud.

"so you kept my son from me. You could've told me." to say hurt

"well what would that do? i wanted to fix my marriage and if Camilo not knowing you helped then so be it. " she explains and it rains

"Camilo... you named him my middle name. after my grand father. we said if we had kids together that would be our son's name " you say wanting to cry

you and Pepa would have had a life together if Felix didn't try to fix it with her. you thought you both were true loves after all.

"look.. it's been years. Camilo doesn't need to be confused or think you didn't love him. I don't want him to think of as this horrible person. " Pepa says and it's pouring hard

"I miss you... I thought of you every day. I just haven't came back because of the letters bruno sent. I would ask if you and Felix was still together and he would tell me. then the letters stopped coming. he recently wrote me and told me he was in hiding. so i came back." you explain.

you step closer to her and move her hair from her face.

"(y/n) i can't. i'm married. " Pepa looks away

"happily? or maybe it's just for show for everyone. you don't think of me when you look at Camilo? " you question.

"we can't talk about this. I'm sorry. " She tells you and runs off.

you sigh and lean against a tree defeated yet again. little did you and Pepa know a certain curly haired shape shifter heard everything.

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