3.my son

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You and Camilo have hung out for a week straight now. You pick him up after his chores and he usually comes home after everyone had dinner. You always make sure he's had a great day. You love that boy with all your heart. He is your only child and you don't mind spoiling him. You let him keep one of your acting awards so he can keep it in his room. You buy things for Dolores and Antonio so Camilo can give it to them. you don't want them to ever feel a way with all the stuff he's getting. You get to casita early and Camilo isn't done with his chores yet to Julieta invited you to sit in the kitchen with her.

"so... how is pepa? she seems to just be giving me quick hi's when i come around. "you ask

"well you know Pepa... she can sometimes not want to face what is going on or what she's feeling. Her and Felix are figuring out what they want to do so I think that's mostly why. " Julieta said as she cooks.

You nod and think how you still love Pepa even after all these years. your sunshine.

"did you know Camilo talks about you a lot? he's taking it very well hanging out with you. " Julieta tells you

"well I talk about him every chance I get. I have to go to a meeting tomorrow and I know i'm going to talk about how talented and amazing my son is." you tell her.

"he's my son. he will never be yours" you hear a slurred voice behind you

You turn and see Felix holding a beer and it seems like he already had too many.

"Felix..." you start but he pushes you back on your chair.

your chair would have fell back if casita didn't help.

"You ruined everything!! Heck I'm only sure Antonio is my kid. who knows maybe Dolores is your too. You can have that whore of a woman i'm done. I should really fuck you up. if it wasn't for you and your freak bastard child me and my wife would be happy!" he screams

in that moment you punch Felix really hard

"don't you ever! ever call my son a bastard. you have no right!" you shout as Felix is holding his bleeding face

You hear something drop and there is Pepa and Camilo. they heard the whole fight.

You rush over to Camilo and he hugs you. he cries in your chest and Pepa thunders as she grabs Felix and kicks him out with the help of casita.

"shhh Milo. it's okay nobody will hurt you or disrespect you as long as i'm alive. "you promise him

Julieta gives you an arepa for your hand and you thank her.  You just hold Camilo until he calms down. You hear Pepa scream and you tell Camilo not to move. you run and see the woman holding her face and Felix is no where to be found.

"mi sol what happened?" you ask

she moves her hand and their is a hand print on her face that's quickly turning purple on her fair skin. you quickly take her inside and to Julieta. she gasped and gives her sister an arepa. You see Camilo look and ball his fist. You grab him before he can run out.

"don't! you don't have to do anything son. " you try to calm him

"he hurt my mami! nobody lays a hand on my mother. " Camilo says mad

Pepa hugs Camilo who holds her right away.

"I'm sorry mami... it's all my fault. i shouldn't have been born. " Camilo said sadly

"hey! don't you ever say that Milo. you was made out of love.  you are my sweet amazing boy. Felix is just showing his true colors. " Pepa admits

"this isn't the first time... " you say and sigh knowing the truth.

"what?" Camilo ask confused

"Felix has hit me a couple times. I kept your Papi from killing him.  " this is the first time Pepa referred to you as his papi.

"He won't ever do it again. we are going to spend the day here and how about we play board games today? that way i can make sure everyone is safe. "

Camilo agrees. Pepa gets Antonio and Dolores and the 5 of you go to Pepa's room to play board games. You get to know Antonio and boy is he one smart kid. You wish you was able to see Camilo at that age but you are happy to at least have your son in your life.

"hey Papi you wouldn't make your son pay would you?"Camilo tries smiling at you

you guys are playing monopoly

"boy pay up. " you tell him and ruffle his hair

He pouts and hands you the money. when it's your turn you land in pepa's place that has a hotel

"ha! karma is sweet!" Camilo smirked

You roll your eyes and pay the beautiful woman who's also smirking. That day was full of just games and having fun. Camilo and Antonio fall asleep on Pepa's bed.

"Mami.. (y/n).. um I heard everything earlier and i was just wondering... is papi really my father? he questioned it and it's just been bothering me." Dolores admits playing with her hands

You and Pepa look at each other. the truth is you don't know. You both was drunk after she got married and had slept together. you both blamed the liquor and swore never to think about that day or speak about it.

"I want to be 100% honest with you Dolores since you are an adult. We can't be sure. I slept with Felix and (y/n) around the same time. " she admits

Dolores nods, she kind of gets how Camilo felt learning the truth.

"that doesn't change all the good times you had with you papi. he showed you love. Heck I loved you when I was around." you tell Dolores.

Pepa goes to a drawer and hands over a photo. it was you reading with Dolores when she was around 2.

"You came over so I can sleep because Bruno was suppose to watch Dolores but couldn't calm her down. you read that book and everything was fine" pepa says looking at the photo.

Dolores grabs the photo and look at it.

"you was there a lot huh?" she ask

you nod and remember all the time you spent with Dolores and Pepa.

"Dolores I don't want to ever make you dislike your papi or question where you came from. you was loved and are still loved. I am not only here for Camilo but all of you. I would like to be able to at least a friend to you or even a tio if that's easier. whatever you want. I don't force relationships. " you tell her.

She gives you a hug. She doesn't know how to take everything but she appreciated you for not trying to come in their life and force anything.

He's my Boy (Pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now