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it's been 4 months and Pepa is now officially Divorced. Felix lives a town over and visits Antonio every weekend with supervision. You have gotten closer to Pepa and that's all you ever wanted. You like to be around her and she seems happy with you. Camilo tried shifting into you and confessing some love but Pepa knew it was him. so you decided to talk with her.

"Milo told me what he did. " you say while sitting with Pepa having some tea outside.

"yeah he said his reasoning was having us happy. " Pepa looks at her tea

"He's got a heart of gold that kid..." you smile

she nods and smiles small thinking of her older son.

"I Did want to sit and talk with you... about 2 different things. um the first one is Dolores and I went to do a DNA test just in case. the results come in the mail today. " you start

Pepa looks up

"was it her idea?" Pepa bites her lip

"yes. I wouldn't have asked her because in the end of day I'm respecting whatever relationship she wants. " you confirm

Pepa nods and looks at you

"so what's the other thing?" she ask curious

You grab her hand and look in her eyes. she blushes slightly

"mi sol. I am falling for you all over again every day. you are the light I need in my life. yes I left for a few weeks last month for work and I kept thinking of you and the kids. I realized I want to be with you. I want to marry you. I want to be a family. we aren't young anymore. we deserve to be happy for however long we have left. So the ball is in your court. Pepa Madrigal will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" you ask trying not to waste any time.

Pepa starts to cry and she nod. You hug her as it rains and kiss her. she kisses back and you hear on cheering and know it's Dolores and Camilo. you both pull away laughing.

"seems like the kids are happy. " you tell her.

she nods and lays her head on your chest. you two hold each other and end up slow dancing in the rain. Camilo and Antonio run to you both. Pepa picks up the youngest and Camilo grabs her free hand and dances with her. you look and See Dolores smiling and watching on the side.

"come dance with me " you hold out your hand.

Dolores smiles and walks to you. you hold her hands and you all dance together. soon the rain stops and you all go inside to change. You and pepa go in her room since you have some clothes in there in case of emergency. You change and can feel eyes on you. You look and see Pepa watching out the corner of her eye as she changes. 

"like what you see?" you ask and out on your new pants and shirt

"I do. " she tells you and walk over

she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you. you kiss back and pull her close. You deepen the kiss and someone knocks. you pull away and Pepa opens it to see Antonio with his shirt backwards

"mami help. " he ask

she chuckles and fixes his clothes.

"wow you look handsome. " you tell the young boy

he smile at you and thanks you. Dolores runs in the room and hands Pepa an envelope

"is this the results?" she ask

Dolores nods nervous. she hasn't even opened the envelope because she wanted you and Pepa with her. Antonio ran off to play and pepa takes a deep breath before opening the envelope. both you and Dolores watch her take it out. she reads it and tears up. she turns it so you and Dolores can read it and it came back that you........

Are the father. you have 2 biological kids. you hug dolores and she cries.

"i'm sorry i wasn't there for all those years. i'm happy though i was there when you was born. " you whisper as you have tears down your face

"it's okay we didn't know. " she tells you.

You bring Pepa into the hug and you all cry together. there is a knock and Camilo walks in

"what's going on?" he ask

"we have the same Papi. " Dolores tells him and shows him the paper

Camilo smiles and makes a group hug.

"hey I want some love!" a tiny voice says

You pick up Antonio and you are happy. you have a family.

(that's it hope y'all like)

He's my Boy (Pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now