Here's presenting you sixth shade of MRS. KHANNA..!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Before she completed her breath.. She was lying on floor.. And some blood started coming from her nose..
Neil's breath hitched and he was beyond shock.. Coming into his senses, he picked Avni to take her to hospital..
DD immediate started the jeep and Neil sat on backseat with Avni in his arms.. He was crying continuously seeing Avni in such a state and continuously was asking her to open her eyes..
Khanna's were also coming behind them in another car.. Mishti was left with juhi at home.. Mishti was not knowing what happened to her angel and hence was only sobbing..
Soon they reached hospital.. Avni was immediately taken in.. Neil tried a lot to go in the room Avni was taken in but his entry was completely denied..
He was completely shattered.. His life was in, treated and cured.. 'He can't protect her' this though was almost killing him..
He stood outside for two hours.. After some time.. Doctor came..
Neil immediately rushed to him and asked 'how's my Avi now..?'
Doctor silently said..' please come to my cabin..'
Neil POV
I followed him.. I was in daze.. Is it something serious..? Is my Avi alright..? Hey God.. Please take my everything except Avi.. She is my life..With these thoughts I entered cabin..
Neil POV ends..Doctor - we operated her.. Yet chances of her survival are very less.. It's like just 1 percent..
Neil was shattered.. 'What happened to her..?' it was roaming in his mind..
As if reading his thoughts.. Doctor said.. - she has been injected with a slow poison.. But still it spread to her entire body.. We took it out from the parts we can.. But still her main organs are still infected..
Neil stammered - now..??
Doctor - there is a medicine that can help her.. But results are not assured... There will only be 2% chance that the medicine works.. And...
Neil- is there something more..?
Doctor- something more heartbreaking..
Neil- and that is..? (his breath hitched..)
Doctor- medicine may not be even that percent effective on her..?
Neil- why..??? (he was already shattered.. It was piercing his heart more...)
Doctor - because she do not want to live...
Neil Stood up from his seat as he can't bear it more... It's coz of him she dont want to live more...? It's because of him Avi is going far away from him.. These thoughts were almost killing him..
Neil- can I meet her..?
Doctor firstly want to deny but seeing his condition can't ..
Doctor - you can but don't give her stress.. She won't be able to bear it..Neil nodded and went out of his cabin.. Khanna's and Neela asked him what doctor said but he ignored and went near Avi..
He hold her hand..
Neil- Avi..!! You can't leave me.. Ohkk.. You aren't allowed to do that..Neil- Avi.. Please reply.. You aren't going to leave me alone.. right..?
Aviii... You know.. I love you.. Right..? And I am not liking you seeing here on bed..Avni was not responding anything... It's like she is living dead..
Neil- avii.. If you won't woke up now.. I will marry juhi..
But still she didn't move..
Neil- avii... I am joking.. You know that I can't live without you..
Okay... Listen.. We have to go to Australia for our honeymoon..Neil - avniii.. I am a fool.. You know that.. Right..? You should stop me when I was going.. It was my biggest mistake... But your punishment is even bigger.. I won't be able to live without you..
All khanna's were watching it..
Neela stepped in coz she know that Neil is not able to bear the fear of losing Avni..Neela- Neil.. She is very Strong.. I know her.. She is not gonna leave you.. Not now.. Not ever.. Okay..!?
Neil broke down in Neela's arms.. He somehow composed himself..
He bend down to Avni's level and said- if you won't wake up or even think of leaving me.. I will die.. I will make sure that both our bodies burnt together.. We both gonna live together, in life and after death.. And you know that I don't joke when it comes to you.. If you want to save me..then.. You have to wake up.. Soon...
He stood straight and went out, afraid of losing his composed form once again..
12 hours passed in a blink of eye.. He was sitting in a corner seat.. Somehow praying God that his Avni should be fine.. He send everyone back to the home.. Everyone refused earlier but he was as stubborn as ever..
Neil once again went to Avni's room and Finally said - Avni.. Please wake up.. You are strong to fight death.. If you can fight with me for hours.. You can fight with death too..
Okay..?! Be a good girl and wake up..He hold her hand and her finger moved.. He was so happy... She once again asked Avni to repeat it... She did so.. It was somehow that she can listen him...
He called Doctor..
Doctor came and examined her... He gave her an injection..Doctor- Neil... She is so strong.. As strong as your love for her.. We all thought that it was impossible for her to live.. But she lived.. For you.. She is moving and responding now.. He will be conscious in 3-4 hours now.. You may take rest now..
He was so happy.. He sat there near Avni holding her hand... He was continuously kissing her hand and forehead and was making random patterns on her knuckles holding her hand..
~~ After 3 hours ~~
She slowly opened her eyes.. She saw that Neil was sleeping holding her hand.. He somehow made his seat beside her and he was holding her protectively..She moved a bit and due to movements, Neil woke up... He saw her and kissed her forehead...
Neil - I love you Avni.. You are the strongest one I ever met.. You are my STRONG AVNI..
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Me and tharu.. ❤

Shades Of MRS. KHANNA ❣️
FanfictionAvni has a number of shades and traits... She is a gem of a person with many qualities... 💕💕 So peep in to know about her few shades..!! ❣️❣️