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Here's presenting you seventh shade of Mrs. Khanna..!


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Avni POV..

Hey.. Finally.. I am a doctor now..!! Well.. Let me tell you.. I am a psychiatrist.. I will have my first case today.. Oh.. How did I forgot to mention.. It's case of one of the most handsome person ,as my friends described.. Well.. I will work for him..

And he is currently in Mental Asylum.. Yeah.. You heard me right.. In mental asylum.. Well.. I got a job there..

So.. Right now.. I am just going to meet him.. Wish me luck guys..!!
Avni POV ends..

With this.. She entered the hall only to witness one boy sitting there with a photograph.. Well.. It's a photograph of a girl..

Avni POV..
I wished him hello.. He just saw me and said.. 'hii..!! Have you seen juhi..?'

well... I wonder who is juhi.. So I asked him..
' who's juhi..?'

'she' he said pointing towards her photo..

'Ohhkk..!! I haven't seen her yet.. But I will try to find her..' I said him..

'umm.. What happened to you..?' I asked him..?!

He said 'nothing..'

'So friends..?' I asked hoping for a positive response.. Which I got..!!

I smiled and came out...

Well... My today's target was to make friends with him that I did..!! But I really want to know what happened to him..

I saw a senior doctor.. So I decided to ask him... He might know..

I went to him and asked..
'hey Doc.. I am NEIL KHANNA'S psychiatrist.. May I know what happened to him..?! '

That doctor saw me and said.. ' well.. He love a girl named juhi a lot.. She ditched him saying that she only wanted some fun time with him that she got.. After her betrayal.. He turned this way..' doctor said and I nodded..

Whole day I kept thinking about him and wonder if I could ever get such love in my life..
Avni's POV ends..!

Next day.. She again went to meet him.. She talked to him for about some time.. She came to know more about him..

Slowly and steadily.. Their friendship grew.. Avni took special permission from doctors to keep him in her place.. Doctors also saw the happy side of Neil with him and decided that neil should stay with Avni for his own betterment..

After a month,
Avni POV...
We are staying at my place.. I am so happy with him.. To be honest, I realized one thing that..

But I haven't confessed.. He is still not completely fine.. Although he is much better... But still... We have a lot of fun together.. But when he told me about juhi and his love for her last night, I came to know that I can never take her place.. But I seriously don't want her place.. I want a place of my own..

After some days..!
Time passes by with our banters and fun we had..he is fine now but we live together.. But now I noticed some difference in his behavior.. He is lost in his own thoughts.. But anyways.. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.. I gonna confess my love for him.. I am sure he gonna accept it..
Avni POV ends..

Next day.. Avni got ready and went to market.. She brought a rose for him and a card stating her love in it.. She hurriedly came back and saw Neil hugging a girl.. She was beyond shocked..

Neil saw her and said.. 'Avni.. I got my love back.. I got my juhi back.. She confessed her love and promised me to never break my heart again.. I am so happy.. I finally got my love back..' he said side hugging juhi.. Avni stood at same place.. She just froze..

After some time, she came back to senses and said.. 'congrats Neil.. You finally got your love back.. I am so happy for you..' she spoke with great difficulty holding back her tears..

Neil then said..'I am going with her Avni.. Thanks for taking my care.. I will always be your debted..'

Avni fake smiled and Neil went with juhi..

After 1 year...
Neil and juhi are dating... Coz he now feels her pain.. He missed Avni and called her but she never received his call... He thought that she don't want to be disturbing, so he stopped calling her..

After some time, juhi started showing her true colours again.. But Neil wasn't affected much because now.. Somehow.. He was happy that juhi is leaving him..

It was Neil's birthday.. Neil decided to take care of a mentally retarded person..He went to same mental asylum but was shocked to see Avni there...not as a doctor but a patient.. He froze there.. He is beyond shocked..

A new intern came and said.. 'you know what.. She loved a patient of hers so very much.. But he went back to her ex.. So. She tried to jump from her balcony but got some brain damage.. Now she is here.. She can't be cured as per doctors.. She just say one name..NEIL..'

Tears flowed down his eyes.. He realized that he lost the gem while searching for the stone..!!

But now.. He took care of her after taking special permission from doctor..

Now.. He is just waiting for her to be fine.. All he do now is to show his love to her and hoping that she would be fine in his arms again..!!

Hope you like it..!!

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Me and tharu.. ❤

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