A New Enemy

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Bursting through the doors of the Nassau Police station, Alice Robertson ran through the hallways; her shoulder-length, blond hair dancing around her head as she walked briskly to the captain's office. Upon reaching it, she quickly entered with Kida and Rodger at her heels. "What's the matter?" she asked, her blue eyes filled with question.
Two men stood over a desk in the room; one, being Steven Robertson and the other, Captain Kendall. Steven was tall and had brown hair and hazel colored eyes. His handsome features held a grim look as he glanced at his wife. "We've got a problem," he answered simply.

His wife nodded as she walked closer to them, stating, "I figured as much, since it's two o'clock in the morning."

Her husband gave her an apologetic bow of his head then gestured over to the other man in the room to carry on the conversation. The middle-aged Bahamian stepped around his desk and spoke to the Robertson family, saying, "We've been notified that the infamous man, known by the name of J.M Rack, is presumed to be in Nassau. As you know, he has a long record of thefts, most of them being priceless artifacts." The captain paused and stroked his short, black beard in thought, then continued. "It just so happens that the Nassau Historic Museum has multiple items on display from a neighboring museum. Ones that are one of a kind."

"Right up his alley," Kida commented. The twenty-year-old's interest had spiked when she heard the name of their new quarry. J.M Rack... A thief known for his 'class and style' in his robberies and his strategic mind, Kida mused, remembering an article she'd read on the man. Though she's worked alongside the police for a couple years now, she had yet to encounter the kleptomaniac.
"Do we have any evidence that he's here?" she asked.

"Confirming it as we speak," answered the captain. Just then, the telephone on his desk rang. Picking it up, he said, "Kendall here." After a moment of speaking to the person on the other line, the captain ended the phone call and looked up at the Robertson family. "He's here. At the museum." Before anyone had time to ask any questions, Kendall began giving orders. "Alice, go get locked into the security cameras at the museum and get the boys to get me the blueprints of the museums layout ASAP. Kida, go to the radio room and radio the patrol officers to be on the lookout for any cars or vans around the perimeter of the museum. Tell them not to bring attention to themselves either. Steven, I need you to plan out the attack with me. We have to catch this man by surprise. Many people have tried to catch him, but the man is extremely smart. Always two steps ahead of everyone! The best chance we have at nabbing him is to surprise him. Few have done it, but those few have succeeded."

"Yeah, difficult to catch, but even more difficult to keep in captivity, right?" Kida asked, remembering the headlines a few years ago when he last escaped.
The captain simply nodded.

"Kinda like a fish," Rodger quietly commented, speaking up for the first time through the exchange. When Kida looked over at him with an amused expression, he shrugged and elaborated, saying, "What? The fish eventually gets caught on the fishing line, but when you finally get him in the boat... he slips out of your hands and falls back into the water!"
Kida silently chuckles at her brother as her dad states, "Then I suppose we'll have to change that record."

"Exactly," the captain agreed. "So, let's get to work."

With that, Alice and Kida both went in their necessary directions.

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After Kida did what she was ordered, she made her way back to the captain's office. When she entered, she found her dad and the captain hovering over the desk looking at, what she assumed was, the blueprints of the museum. Rodger, who had stayed with the men, rose from his chair to meet his sister at the door.
"Big Fish," he stated with no other context.

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