She's Back [chapter 25]

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"Mirabel!" Y/n yelled out, eyes scanning all over the place to show how alert she was. She wrapped her fingers tighter around the straps of her bag. The wind blew her hair back, which also meant it was blowing into her eyes. That made her eyes watery and harder for her to search, "If this is about the whole house thing, I promise you no one's mad!"

Camilo was quick to add on to this, "Yeah! We're just homeless, Mirabel-less, and all of our belongings are destroyed!" Y/n roughly elbowed him in the side, letting him know he was only making matters worse. "But it's not your fault!"

The girl just rolled her eyes, taking a seat down on a nearby rock. A sigh erupted from her lips as she cradled her head in her hands; she was resting her elbows on her knees. She was starting to lose hope that Mirabel had even remained in the village. For all that she knew, her triplet might've ventured out to the places so far away from the village she didn't even know how to get back.

And maybe Mirabel was happier there.

In a world that wouldn't judge her for being ordinary. She was without a gift, but not in the sense that it would make her weird. So, if they'd ever found her, and she looked to be happier there than she did in Encanto, then y/n, as hard as it might've been, would have no choice but to let go of her.

"Mirabel..." she mumbled, opening her eyes to stare at the ground beneath her. An army of ants were matching across her view, headed towards the village, "Please come home."

"Mirabel!" y/n whined, stomping her feet down on the ground in a tantrum. She bawled her hands up into fists at her sides, "Come home! Abuela's starting to get mad. And we all know she's gonna find a way to blame it on me."

Mirabel hugged her knees together to her chests. She used her own fists to wipe away the tears in her eyes. She sat in their treehouse, in which y/n's father had made for them just a few months back. They loved their new jungle gym. It was a place of comfort for them.

Sadly, one of Pepa's storms would end up destroying it in a few years.

The girl hiccuped, tightly shutting her eyes, "I don't wanna go back. You can run away with me too. Abuela's always mad at us."

The young Madrigal might or might not have accidentally gotten some paint on her grandmother's dress when they were playing dress up.

"She is, isn't she?" y/n furrowed her brows, placing both hands on her hips with a jutted out lip. It was turned down and into a frown. "But still! Señora Julieta will be very sad if we don't go home. She loves you very much."

"I don't want mamá to be sad..." Mirabel placed her glasses on her face again despite knowing she was still in fact crying. She would put a brave face on for her mother. Mirabel climbed out of the treehouse and sniffled. She wiped her nose before giving a determined nod. "Okay, I'll go back."

"That's the spirit!" y/n cheered her own.

Knowing the fact they'd bother get yelled at. She knew what Abuela was going to do. It was inevitable, but at least Julieta wouldn't have to face depression over losing her child.

So they walked back home; hand in hand.

And then, it was like all of her prayers were answered.

"It's her, I found her!" a kid yelled for the whole village to hear. This caused y/n to gasp, looking up with alarm to the house that was still in ruins.

She stood up, grabbing Canilo's arm while waiting for just a bit more of conformation. Not even a second later, that was exactly what she got. "I found her!"

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