Chapter 3

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We now see Izuku inside his room looking up at the ceiling.

He was thinking about the Practical Test he went through at Shiketsu.

He had to be honest, the test at Shiketsu was a lot harder than he expected it to be. But survived through it. While he was chilling in his room, his mom breaks into his room.

"Izuku! The letter!" Shouted his mom.

Izuku then opens the letter and sees a paper in it.

He then reads the paper from the front. So far he didn't see anything about him making it.

That's until he turns the page and sees something.

It was a poster that says.

Izuku then begins to smile and walks out of his room

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Izuku then begins to smile and walks out of his room.

He then showed Inko the poster. Later Inko sees the poster and begins to cry in joy and hug Izuku.

Our boy is going to Shiketsu......


We now see Izuku in the mirror looking at himself to see if he is ready to go.

Right now he's getting ready for his first day at Shiketsu.

He now walks out of his room and walks up to the door.

"Izuku. Please be careful on your first off school?" Inko said

"Okay, mom. I promise. Now I need to go, I don't want to be late for the first day of school." Izuku said as he opens the door to get out.

"Bye Mom!" Izuku shouted as he takes off running.

As Izuku takes off Inko watches him walking. "My baby is slowly growing up." Said Inko 


We now see Izuku coming out of the train.

As he walks on the platform of the train station, he sees Shiketsu from a distance.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Said a man behind him.

Izuku then looks back and sees the person talking to him.

"I can see from your uniform that you're going to Shiketsu. Welp, good luck on your first day there." Said the man as he walks away.

"Ummm... Thank You!" Izuku said. The train announced that they finally arrived at Shiketsu. As he walks away from the train station and towards Shiketsu someone covers his eyes.

"Guess who?" Said the girl.

"Camie?" Izuku asked

Camie and Izuku began to spend time with each other after the entrance exam.

"Yep! I can't believe it! We're finally a step closer to becoming heroes!" Said Camie as she shakes Izuku back and forth.

"Camie! Please stop! We need to get to school before the bell rings." Izuku said as Camie lets go of him

"Your right. Let's go." Camie said.


They finally make it to Shiketsu. As they walk in there was a poster in front of them that tells them to go to the auditorium for the origination.

"I feel a long and boring speech coming from her." Izuku said.

"Wait. Who are you talking about?" Camie asked.

"The principal of Shiketsu." Said Izuku.

"Our principal is a she?! That's so cool!" Said Camie as they walk inside the auditorium.

They then take a seat and wait for the principal to come.

Later everyone settled down and waited for the principal to speak.

"Hello everyone! You are all the lucky 1st years that made it to this amazing school. Usually, people would give these long speeches. Lucky, we won't be doing that, we're going straight to the point.." Said Principal Yagi.

Later a line of people come out of nowhere and stand right next to the principal.

"You may be wondering are these people behind me? Well, these people are your teachers!" Said the principal.

"No.way! Mirko is teaching here?! She's my favorite!" Camie shouted.

"I noticed that all the teachers here are pro-heroes, but there are some people I don't remember seeing before," Izuku said.

"Hopefully you all have an amazing school year with these amazing pro heroes here." Said Principal Yagi.

Later the bell rings as it shows that it's time to go to class.

"Well, that's the bell. I guess we have to go to our classes." Izuku said as he notice everyone walking away.

Both Izuku and Camie get up from their seats and walk to their class.

"Wait. I never asked you this. What class are you in?" Camie asked.

"Oh, Class 1-A. Why?" Izuku asked

"Yes! We got the same class together! At least I don't have to be in a classroom filled with people I don't know." Camie said

They then walk up to a classroom with the tag that says 1-A.

"I guess this is our classroom," Izuku said as they both walk inside.

They then see some people sitting and some people standing

"Hey, Camie! You made it." Said a bald head boy.

"Inasa. Why are you being loud for?" Asked a purple-haired boy

"Hey, guys. How's it been?" Camie said

"Great- oh this must be the boy you were talking about. Hi, my name is Inasa-''

The boy now named Inasa was interpreted by a woman with purple and blue hair.

"Alright everyone takes a seat and shut up." Said the women as Izuku and the others take a seat.

"Well come to Shiketsu High School. My name is Kaina Tsutsumi aka Lady Nagant and I'll be your homeroom teacher for the next three years."

Izuku Midoriya: The Hero From Shiketsu HighWhere stories live. Discover now