EP22: my melody / anxiety

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"so? how was your trip?" dagger asked, pulling her mask a bit further anxiously

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"so? how was your trip?" dagger asked, pulling her mask a bit further anxiously.

"dude! amazing! i met some new people, we drank... DUDE! MIN! vodka with gummy bears. next time you're at my place, you are drinking it and i don't make the rules" pecan scoffed, moving her blond hair to the side

"wait you're blonde again? so, what's the next color?" dagger asked, placing her hands around warm cup of coffee.

"blue. but not vibrant blue and not pastel blue either. kinda looks violet? but i wanna stay blonde for a while, yknow? i wanna make men believe i'm a poor blonde bimbo" pecan pouted dramatically, causing minerva to scoff.

the brunette looked around nervously and quickly pulled her mask down to take a sip of her black coffee.

"before you tell me what's up with ajax, i bought something for you in cali!" august gasped as if she just remembered and grabbed her purse.

"before i– what? wait–" dagger's eyes widened and her smile turned into a huge grin.

pecan handed her my melody mascot. her friend watched the brunette's features soften as she held the plushie right to her chest.

"it's a bit smaller than your kuromi plush but i thought you'd like it..." pecan smiled, taking a sip of her coffee.

"thank you so much, august! i love it so much! now they can be girlfriends on my bed, hehe" dagger giggled cutely and pecan dramatically grabbed her heart.

"you need to stop with being so adorable. it's making me hard to leave..." august sighed

"it's making you hard...?" dagger looked up, trying her best not to laugh.

pecan leaned over and smacked her arm.

"dumbass. now tell me what's up with that guy!" the blonde haired girl sat down, loosening up on her chair.

"we did spend halloween together. i dressed up in bunny suit but then i changed into zelda cosplay–" she started.

"YOU WHA–" pecan yelled and looked around, at people turning heads. minerva slid down her chair, hiding in her hoodie. pecan yelled again, in whisper tone this time "you what?!"

"i dressed up in bunny suit– for you." minerva whispered, hugging the plushie closer to her.

"AW MAN–" pecan whined, scoffing.

"but about ajax... well. i like him, he's super fun to hang around with. i slept over at his place, he went with me to kermit so yeah..." dagger hummed, playing with my melody's hat.

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