EP36: the happiest human alive

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"i gathered you today to tell you something" minerva said dramatically, raising her eyes to the sky

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"i gathered you today to tell you something" minerva said dramatically, raising her eyes to the sky.

"well something happened for sure because i haven't seen you that happy since... since never. your eye bags even got smaller" pecan rose an eyebrow

"thank you" minerva rolled her eyes

"don't tell me you're pregnant" pecan gasped, fear in her eyes

minerva stopped pouring the wine with poker face and put the bottle down gently.

"yes i am and you're the father" the brunette couldn't hold it anymore and let out a chuckle

"i was ready to text your dad" august sighed and grabbed his glass

"snitches don't get bitches" minerva frowned

"not true. i actually wanted to tell you, i have a girlfriend noooow– wait. wait" pecan's eyes widened "you wanted to ask a man out on–"

"A WHAT? WHY I DONT KNOW ANYTHING? COME ON, NO ONE EVER TELLS ME SHIT!" minerva yelled and jumped over to pecan, closing him in a tight, bear hug "CONGRATS! WHO IS SHE? DO I KNOW HER?"

"yes you do. and you're literally the first person that knows. how come no one tells you shit? and what happened on valentines? i have so many questions–" pecan sighed and moved minerva's arm that was brushing against his chin.

"WHO IS– sorry" minerva cleared her throat and backed off "i got excited. who's she?"

"tina" pecan mumbled

"KITTEN?" the brunette blinked, smile growing on her face

"yes. don't call me that" pecan giggled and minerva smacked his arm "NOW TELL ME"

"tell you what– oh. i'm–" minerva hummed. pecan still doesn't know that ajax is corpse. wait. tina is pecan's girlfriend now... and corpse is tina's friend. pecan will find out eventually "well..."

"well...?" pecan took a sip and the door opened.


"LALALALALALAAAA" minerva sung loudly, banging her hand on the countertop.

ajax stopped talking mid sentence as he saw august. of course he recognised them.

"what the fuck?" august frowned "minnie who is this man and why are you acting strange?"

okay, so he didn't hear ajax's voice.

"what? what do you mean strange? i do this all the time. LALALALALA–" minerva did the same thing again as ajax still stood in the doorway.

"i literally know you for five years and it's the first time you did that" august sighed and corpse couldn't help but scoff

"never mind. actually, this is... ajax" minerva gulped.

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