If I loved you less

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Sitting there was hard enough to leave me speechless and breathless. I kept on staring at my book in confusion as I hadn't had any time to read it over the week end, more like I forgot about it. The more she went on about things, the less I understood the meaning of what we were doing, and she seemed to notice as she asked me for my favourite quote and I couldn't tell of any. She eventually sighed and declared that I'd have detention with two other boys. None of us had made the effort of reading and so I felt like I deserved the detention although it ruined my plans. I wanted to hang out with Elle after school , I needed to explain myself to her, I needed to make sure she wouldn't say anything. I trusted her but part of me was freaking out about the possibility of her setting me up. Taking my phone out, I sent her a text.

#Cannot make it after school, later by the beach? - Madison

Pulling it back into my pocket I looked up only to find the redhead watching me, eyebrows raised. I knew she had seen me but she didn't say anything, instead she just went on with whatever they were studying. I was grateful she didn't call me out. The day went on and I found myself sitting back in this room at the end of it. I had never have detention before, I was quite a discreet, shy girl who never got into troubles. I guessed there was a first to everything right? Taking my book out I started reading as we waited for her. She'd probably ask us to do so anyways.

"Okay guys, I want you all to start reading the book and I want you to have a favourite quote by the end of the hour. I don't expect you to read it thoroughly, just try to go through it right?" She walked in, pulling her stuffs onto the desk before opening the window , letting the sun creep in.

Sighing, I kept on reading, hoping not to get into more troubles. However staying focused on my book when she was right before me was harder than I thought it would be. I had chosen a seat in the middle of the room, thinking the others would do the same, but the boys had actually chosen seats at the back, leaving me up front. I felt quite uneasy to say the least.

"Boys, please take example on Madison and start reading, unless you want one more detention?" Her voice spoke up, making me glance at her discreetly. She was looking at her computer, typing fastly, obviously really focused on what she was doing. It gave me the opportunity to really look at her. She was wearing her glasses, making her look quite cute, along with a nude warm shirt and tight jeans with black heels. It was simple yet seemed elegant on her. Scared to get caught while checking her out, I went back to reading and eventually found a quote. By the end of the hour, she came near us and checked out our notebook, hoping to see a quote written down. The boys left right after she checked on them, leaving me alone with her as she leaned over my back to read my notebook. I could feel her hair dancing on my shoulder as her hand held onto the chair right behind my back, making me tense immediately. I tried to hold on my breath but had to exhale at some point, allowing me to take in her perfume.

"If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more." was written down beautifully, teasing her curiosity.

"Why choosing this one?" Her warm voice echoed within my ears, daring me to moan. She was getting to me and I couldn't let that happen. Not trusting my voice I just shrugged and waited for her to retreat herself, but she didn't. Instead she grabbed my pen and started writing on my notebook.

"I certainly will not persuade myself to feel more than I do. I am quite enough in love. I should be sorry to be more."

This quote truly spoke to me, for I honestly felt sorry for loving her so much, for wanting her so much. I felt enough , I didn't want more, yet it kept on growing. It spread in my veins, the desire. Swallowing hard, I didn't comment and waited.

"This is my favourite quote." She whispered with a roar voice, making me tense even more. Why was she being so close to me? Why was she playing with my mind? Or maybe she didn't feel like she was, maybe all of this was innocent to her and I was the one seeing things. It was alltogether very possible. She leaned back after a few seconds of silence and sighed, walking back to her desk, grabbing on her bag and keys.

"Do you need a ride home?" She waited, her wondering eyes landing on me. Still lovestruck, I shook my head and grabbed my own things before walking toward the door which she held open for me. I thanked her and literally ran outside, not handling this tension between us anymore. I knew there was something there, and maybe she didn't see it, or just didn't want to see it , but it was definitely there, and I needed to stay away.

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