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There were flowers blossoming under the sunset. And as they did, so did my emotions. They crackled from their roots within my heart to shatter down the fear and the sadness. And as they drank in the water left by the sudden falling snowflakes, they empowered themselves, becoming stronger and wiser. This day was a special one, it was Christmas day, and as I stared out the windowpane to watch at the white sky, I realized something that took my breath away; she was my miracle. She was the realization that sometimes the most unpredictable one can be your everything, beyond the law, beyond the age. She was allowed to be mine, for a short period of time, I knew that, but it was still something, it still meant something to me. She had texted me earlier that evening, telling me how tonight was the night she'd take me away. I don't know how she did that, how she got away from her family on Christmas night, but she did, and that was all that mattered to me. Glancing toward her, I smiled dreamily as her hand squeezed mine , gently resting on her lap.

We were in London, just the two of us, driving not toward our hotel yet, but toward London Eye, place that was magical for the both of us.
Holding me into her arms from behind, we waited for our turn to come, lined up behind other couples. For once, I felt safe and home. I felt like she had me, like no matter what would happen, she'd have my back. The whole thing was beyond romantic, and I loved it. I loved how she wrapped her thin arms around my waist to pull me closer, I loved how she kissed my shoulder with her red warm lips, I loved how she looked at me, with those gorgeous sparkling eyes, as though I was her whole damn world. But most of all, I loved how she kissed me under the night sky as snow fell on us poetically. I loved everything about her. She was my world. And I wouldn't have let go for anything. Stepping in, we sat next to each other, hands interlocked, thighs touching, faces brushing against one another. And as we kissed passionately, we rose up in the air, getting a full sight of the illuminated town. My heart was beating so fast into my chest, like it was ready to explode from within, like it was ready to pull up against hers and never step back.

"You do know I love you right?" She whispered carefully, making sure for me to hear her soothing words.

"I do." I nodded, diving into her gaze.

"You do know I love you back right?" I said rather playfully as she grinned from ear to ear, nodding instantly.

Her face was so beautiful and flawless, her freckles just made me wanna kiss them one by one and her smile, damn her smile, it was everything , it was pure and honest.

"Can I ask you something?"

She seemed taken aback by this question, and as she frowned slightly, she nodded for me to keep going.

"How did you manage to come and get me?"

Her smile faded for a minute, before it appeared again, this time being more mysterious.

"That's a story we'll keep for later, alright?"

Knowing better than to push her, I agreed and looked up to stare at the million stars that stared back at us.

"I wish we could capture this moment, you know, that we could take it with us." I whispered in the coldness of the night, air escaping my parted lips.

Laying her head against the crook of my neck, she agreed and stayed silent, enjoying the peaceful scenery.

"I don't need this. I don't need to stare at the sky, my sky lives in your eyes, I dive into it each time I look at you. And trust me, it is such a  delightful sight."

Looking down into her eyes, I blushed, touched by her words. She always knew what to say to me to make my heart go warm, to make my body go numb. Leaning in slowly, I captured her lips tenderly, making sure to keep the kiss simple and soft.

"When I was little, my dad used to tell me that we could live in each others eyes, that we just had to trust the other, and then every emotion, every feeling would be reflected in their wards. I never believed him, until I met you. I guess this is what happens when you're in love , you can see your love shared within your lover's gaze." I cuddled against her, her arm wrapping itself around my shoulder, pulling me closer. I enjoyed this, this felt so right, so delicate and warm.

"I wanna be able to watch it blossom, our love, I wanna kiss it, embrace it, cherish it. I want it to be just ours, something no one will ever understand, something so deep it will live beyond us." She said after searching for her words.

I loved that our love was as important to her as it was to me. I loved that she cherished me so much. I had never had anyone wanting me the way she wanted me, with pure love and adoration. It was my first time experiencing love in such a deep way, and I loved the way it made me feel so far.

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