Our family

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I watched with amazement as my wife told our children the story of our relationship, of our love and marriage. They had wanted a story before having to go to bed, usually she'd choose something along the lines of fairytales, but this night, this night she chose us, and the sparkles that danced in her wards as she told them the whole truth behind our love made my heart race inside my chest, it bumped against it hard enough to make me part my lips , searching for more oxygen to reach my lungs as it got stuck within my throat. These days, they were long gone, but it felt like everything happened the previous day, it felt like it was still there, the fighting, the desire, the pull, the love, it was all still there, I could feel it through my bones.

"Why did you ask her to marry you?" asked Faith, our daughter, the youngest one, the one who had survived to the accident, the one who made us believe in our family.

She was six by now, Charlie, our son, was now eleven, and Kayla was now fourteen. Me, well I was now 24, and I was the happiest woman on earth. Mother of three wonderful children, I had married the love of my life, the woman who made my heart speed, the woman whose touch drove me wild, the woman whose smile comforted me through pain and happiness. I honestly couldn't dream of a better life.

"I asked her to marry me because I knew that I didn't wanna go through any other day without her. I wanted her to be mine. And I knew she'd always be there for me. No matter what. She would never give up without a fight. I love that about her.' Emma explained gently as she caressed her hair gently.

They were all laying on the king sized bed while I stood in the doorway, going unnoticed as I listened, a smile playing on my lips.

"You'll understand when you'll be older. Sometimes, you just meet this person who turns your world upside down. Madison made me better, she allowed me to be myself, she made me happy without even trying to. And just a smile from her lighted up my heart."

I wanted to join them, to share our story with them, but she was making it so magical so far, I didn't wanna ruin it. So I kept listening.

"Why was she different from dad? Why not choosing him that day?" Asked Charlie softly, his voice showing curiosity.

It had taken quite a while for him to get used to me , but we had managed to get along eventually, we had grown closer.

"I could have picked your dad, I could have picked him for you three, to make sure you'd keep your family, but then I realized, that I wouldn't be happy. Your dad said things, while I was in the coma. Things I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him. So when I woke up, I just knew, I knew she was the one, for
me, for you, for our happiness."

A river of tears flooded my face as I fought a smile, remembering her proposal , remembering the pain I had been through during this week she was asleep, the fear I had felt.

'You heard him? What did he say?' Kayla added in disbelief.

I was quite surprised myself, she had never told me that, she never told me about him saying anything, or about her hearing us whenever we were around. But although she didn't seem to forgive him, she still managed to let him be there, for the kids, and that's what made her the best mom I had ever known. Listening carefully, I smiled at her words.

"I don't want you to think differently of him, so I won't tell you baby. But you've got to know that he loves you three, nothing will ever change that. We're still a family, dad, me, Madison, we all love you very much."

It was true, I'd give my own life for them, to save them, to protect them, I'd do anything, they were my family, she had allowed me in, and I would never think of ruining that. I'd never think of hurting them, just the thought of doing so unvoluntarily made me sick. So I tried my best to be there for them, to make them happy. I accepted their father, I accepted anything from them. I loved how Charlie asked me to come to his soccer plays, I loved how Kayla loved doing shopping with me, saying how she wanted to be like me, and I loved how Faith adored to cuddle with us both after
dinner, it calmed her down somehow. I loved my life, and I wouldn't change it for anything. If I had the chance to go back in time, I wouldn't change a single thing, because I'd want my life to be exactly the same, with its ups and downs, with its laughters and tears. Because our story, made us who we are now.

"I love Madison. I can understand why you fell. The way you felt. I think it's beautiful, your story. Thank you for telling us."

Yes, thank you Emma. Thank you so much for making me happy, for making me feel loved, for giving me a loving family, and for loving me for who I am, and thank you for letting them know. Because it's important for our future, that they understand, that they approve.

Erasing my tears slightly, I stepped in gently and met their sparkling gazes. All they held was pure love and acceptance. I used to be lost and insecure, but she found me, and she made me better. She said I made her better too, but I think I was just able to show her how incredible she actually was, even without me.

"I love you, the four of you. You're my life." Her lips parting into a warm smile, she waved me over, grabbing my hand as I climbed into the bed to rest by their sides.

"This was our story. Now it's time to sleep my babies."

Turning the lights off, we stayed there, holding onto each other, Emma's arm wrapped around me as Kayla rested against me, Charlie on her other side, and Faith into Emma's side. We felt comfortable and safe around each other, and I think that's what matters the most in a family.

"Sleep tight my angels." I murmured as I hid my face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her tempting, delicious, comforting perfume. I loved those moments, they were so soft and sweet, full of love.

"I love you." She whispered as she kissed my forehead, making me sigh in content.

"I love you too." I did, I really did. And I would never stop telling her.

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