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Stepping in the giant room, my eyes wandered around the several students that were already dancing on a slow, sweet song. Guys and girls enjoyed the soothing rhythm of the melody as their voices lowered down. My eyes searched for her in the crowd, and that's when I saw her. Dancing beneath the lights, she held onto her husband's shoulders, a gentle smile playing on her lips. She was wearing a golden dress with black high heels, making her even taller than she already was. Her red hair fell straight on her shoulders. She seemed happy, like she belonged there, in his arms. I had prepared myself for this ball, I knew he'd be there eventually, that she wouldn't come on her own, but somewhere, I had hoped she wouldn't invite him, that she'd stay with the other teachers. Sighing, I let my hands fall on either side of my body and followed my friends toward

a free table. Wearing a white long skirt with a matching crop top, I had pulled on my favorite creme heels and had straightened my hair. My make up was more like a black smokey, making my eyes more intense. Lia was wearing a pink dress, she always liked to look different. But it suited her. And Jake, Jake was elegant, like never before, you could tell he had made an effort for Lia. He wanted her to be proud of him. Smiling at their joined hands, I took a sip of champagne and let my eyes fall on the dance floor. She was stunning, truly stunning. The way her body moved against him felt like it had been existing forever, this bond between them. Like they knew each other perfectly. They had a bond we didn't have, and I was jealous of it. But I wouldn't let it show, not this night. I didn't wanna to be upset with her, and let's be clear, I couldn't blame her for inviting him, he was her husband after all. But it still hurt deep down.

Jake invited Lia to dance, making me stay on my own. They wanted to appreciate a light slow before the music would turn out to pop rock. I could understand that. A slow was so much more intimate. Looking down at my hands, I grabbed my phone and stared at her number. I could just text her, let her know I'm here. Deciding against it, I hit it in the tiny bag I had brought with me and placed it on the table. Everything was so beautiful, lights of all colors hanged from the ceiling, illuminating people's eyes as they plunged into each others' gazes, searching for love.

Some Christmas trees stood around the corners and tables were placed around the dancefloor. There was also a stage where students could go and sing whatever they wanted to. My teacher had wanted me to sing something, like each year, but this time I had refused. I didn't wanna be up there, for once, just for once, I wanted to be the one to dance.But I couldn't, could I?

Lucas, a guy from my Maths class showed up near me, a shy smile plastered on his face, as though he was scared to talk to me. I smiled back politely and waited for him to talk. It was obvious he wanted to invite me to dance but wouldn't do it. So I stood up and grabbed his hand. I wouldn't sit there all by myself, crying over my sad relationship. No, tonight, I would have fun. Tonight, it was about me. Leading him toward the dance floor, I placed my hands around his neck, and let him place his on my waist. I pulled him closer as I saw him blush. He was quite cute to be honest. A sweet kind of cute.

"What happened to Leila?" I asked, biting on my lower lip as I tried my best to ignore the soft lyrics that played in the background. Leila had been his girlfriend for quite a while until they stopped seeing each other overnight. It had been rough from what I had heard, but no one truly knew what had happened between them and from the way he looked at me that night, I couldn't tell he missed being with her. We were both on our own, thinking about our lovers. And that's what made me ask him. If he shared his story with me, I might just let him in about mine. I wouldn't tell him the whole truth, no, I would just let him know that I understood him, that I wished I could be with my significant other too.

"She left. One day she was here, and the next she was gone. She didn't even say goodbye. That's what kills me the most, you know, that she didn't say goodbye." I nodded, understanding his point of view.

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