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Physical Appearance 

According to Leyla's Dragon Diary, Slinkwing's eggs are green. They also appear to have a dimpled texture on the shell from the Diary image, or perhaps a slime coating to serve as protection. 

Hatchling to Adult

Baby Slinkwings are like adults but smaller, with tiny horns and shorter necks. Adult Slinkwings are quadrupedal dragons colored in a single shade of grey The grey shade can vary from dark to light. Some individuals may have green and purple iridescence on their scales. They have a single row of uniform spines running from the top of the neck to the end of the tail. Additionally they have two Cattle-like horns on their heads, but only on the males. Slinkwings also have vivid red eyes and short tendrils on their chins. 


Instead of breathing fire, Slinkwings shoot a bright green slime. They can to produce copious amounts of it with a high shot limit, shortly after they hatch. It is very sticky and can gunk up both living and inanimate things. The slime is not able to stick well on wet or damp surfaces, however. As seen in "Home Alone", their slime will slide right off of them, just like it will for Fastfins. The slime will eventually harden, as seen in "Crash Course", "Grumblegard, Part 2", and "Bad Egg". The slime can be shattered in this hardened form, but once it has hardened, water will not wash it away as it does for normal slime. In "Game of Horns", the slime hardens quicker when mixed with liquid Belzium. On Hazard Island, there is some type of plant that will strengthen Slinkwing slime, making it harden faster and stronger. 


Slinkwings have the ability to camouflage so well to their environment, that they are, for all intents and purposes, invisible. This allows them to move around undetected, or throw things at their enemies, making it look like a ghost is throwing things.

Weaknesses     Aquatic Dragons and Water

Aquatic dragons are immune to Slinkwing slime, and water will wash their slime right off before it hardens.

Limited Slime

Despite their high limit shot, their slime isn't endless and must charge, according to Snoop, by using a special plant called gloopberries. When kept away, they can't produce any slime, leaving them defenseless.

Red crystals 

Like all dragons, their powers will be cancelled when they are close to a Red Crystal, which results in an inability to camouflage.

Behavior and Personality 

Slinkwings rely on stealth and subterfuge to feed, rather than expending energy outright hunting. As such, they eat what they can get and have a variable diet. They are known to eat human produce such as pumpkins, other Dragon Eggs, and even insects if necessary. Though the legend of the 'Phantom Fang' appears to be based on a single Slinkwing individual, they appear to form small groups or packs of mixed gender, with a single alpha or group leader. 

in my version they don't eat other dragon eggs 

class: mystery 

habitat: Plio Valley, regular forest, great plains, gloopberry fields, pumpkin patch  

diet: fish, gloopberries, pumpkin 

fire type: green slime 

Features:Two horns on the head (only the males) 

Slime Immunity

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