Start of The GAME

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 "Reincarnated huh," you said with a grin as you looked at 'your' body once again. Well, it was your body now and you had 'her' – or your – memories though they seemed a bit faint. It was odd, remembering what you had been doing before dying in your bed.

You hoped you were a pretty sight for the police and a memorable one too.

And then suddenly, you remembered 'your' birthday party and how you had been so excited for the day to come. How you had spent days talking with your classmates, inviting them to your birthday party and they had actually shown up.

It was very different and foreign in your mind since you had always preferred to keep your birthdays simple and private and only with your family. You always came up with excuses on why your 'friends' never showed up.

"So, can you tell me the synopsis of the game CHESHIRE?" you asked as the screen flickered.

[Certainly, Miss (Y/N). THE BACKROOMS are an interactive, real-life game that you will play by yourself. You get to explore the BACKROOMS as you try to find YOUR WAY OUT though you have to be sure it's the right way out. You can forge alliances with the settlers and people trapped here, create your own CAMP if you want to, and slay CREATURES. The main goal is to SURVIVE.]

You hummed and nodded. That seemed easy enough though since you were a child, it wouldn't be easy to survive. Thinking back to the... time when the Little (Y/N) was in the body, you had seen the STATS which weren't great. Grimacing a bit, you bit your lip.

"Show me my STATS," you said and you could almost see a grin appear onto the screen though it soon vanished as you saw your gamer information.

[PLAYER: (Y/N) (L/N)]


EXP - 100/1000

LVL – 1


HEALTH (HP) – 50/50

STRENGTH (STR) - 5/100


CHARISMA (CHR) – 64/100

COMBAT (COM) – 7/100

[LOCKED] 🔒 LUCK (LUC) - 2/20

"Huh, it changed..." you muttered to yourself, tilting your head and absorbing the information. Your health, strength, and combat STATS were all awfully low though you could blame the child's body for that.

"And what do all of the info mean?" you asked.

[EXP = EXPerience Points, you gain them when you complete MISSIONS, find SPECIAL ITEMS, increase your STATS, slay CREATURES, and later and when you- [🔒 Information Locked]. You can use EXP to gain PERKS.]

[STR = STRength, meaning how much you can do physical activities such as running, lifting, jumping, and whatnot.]

[INT = INTelligence, allows you to assess situations, figure out important information.]

[CHR = CHaRisma, allows you to charm CREATURES, read people emotionally, and charm LOVE INTERESTS.]

[COM = COMbat, the ability to FIGHT and handle different weapons.]

Alice of The Backrooms [Various Creepypasta x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now