2 • first day

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"so you basically know what to do, right?" your trainer, hitch asked.

it was first day at work at the barnes and noble bookstore in town. thankfully, you were already employed at the one back in your hometown and the one here in marley accepted your transfer. the store was huge compared to the one back home but the job was pretty much the same.

"pretty much." you told hitch. she was also a marley university student in her first year but she had grown up in the city. she was a bit intimidating but once you began to speak with her, that changed. she almost reminded you of annie in a way.

"ok, i don't know why they have me training you then. i usually work in the cafe as it is." she chuckles. "boss is just a worry wart and likes to have things done perfectly. have you met him?"

"levi ackerman?" you questioned. when you first met him and heard his name, you felt as if you had heard it somewhere before. you just couldn't place your finger on it.

"yeah, he's also an english professor at the university. he's a busy body for sure."

"oh my god, i think i'm in his class." you say. so that's where you remembered it from. he was going to be your english professor for the semester as well as your boss. how ironic.

hitch laughed and gave you a pat on the back. "i heard he's a great professor though! c'mon, i'll have you start restocking books in the children's area while i'm on break and then i'll be back to check up on you."

you nod and follow her over to the children's area of the store. she leaves you with a cart of new books to be put out and replenish the shelves. a yawn escapes your lips once she leaves and you begin working in an aisle. the children's area wasn't too busy but there were a few kids cheerfully reading to one another. one thing you noted about this particular store was that it offered areas for customers to read and relax, as if it was a library and not a bookstore.

you were nearing the end of the aisle you were currently working on when you noticed a figure bigger than a child sleeping on a bean bag chair. you took a couple steps forward and noticed that it was eren whom you had met the other night. he lay on the bean bag, legs spread in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest. his hair wasn't pulled back like it was last night, but instead hung loosely around his head, some of it falling into his face.

after the introductions last night, you mainly spoke to sasha and connie since you were sandwiched between them. but you did notice that eren was always resting on the table when he wasn't eating or speaking to the others. and now you see him sleeping once again. was he narcoleptic? you thought. or maybe he could just sleep anywhere.

you didn't know what his sleep ordeal was but you did know one thing. you envied him. you envied the fact that he was able to sleep anywhere and every where whenever he wanted. he slept with ease while you struggled to even get a good two hours in a day. you envied how peaceful and relaxed he looked.

"you know, it's rude to stare." eren spoke as he blinked his eyes opened. he stretched his arms over his head as he sat up to look at you.

"i wouldn't be staring if there wasn't a whole ass adult sleeping in the kid's section."

"touché." eren chuckled. his eyes trailed down to the name tag that dangled off the lanyard you wore around your neck. "ah, you work here. are you gonna kick me out?"

you sigh, shoving the book you were holding to its home on the shelf in front of you. "no. i just didn't expect to see you here. sleeping at that."

"armin invited me to tag along because he wanted to pick a new novel by some author he likes."

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