14 • kiss me

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tw: this chapter includes sexual assault i will put another tw where it starts

sasha raised a brow at you as she watched you fiddle with the hem of your dress once again. the loud music roared through the frat house as you made your way over to where the drinks were placed. you caught sasha's judging stare and whined. "my dress is too short."

"it makes your legs look sexy." annie complimented as she took a swig of her beer. mikasa nodded in agreement, smiling in greeting as jean and connie came over. jean immediately wrapped his arm around her waist as she handed him her red solo cup to drink from.

sasha was going to say something but before she could speak, kevin was by your side, throwing his arm around you. he gave you a kiss on the cheek as you gave him a tightlipped smile. throughout the week, kevin has been hovering by your side and been more touchy than what you were comfortable with. always having his arm around your shoulders or waist, a hand on the small of your back, or placing kisses on the crown of your head or cheek. most of the campus had assumed you two were item but you were far from it.

"you look ravishing." he complimented. you nodded in thanks.

sasha wrapped her hand around yours. "let's go get some snacks."

"sash, we're already in the kitchen." connie spoke up.

"for once, i'm not talking food." sasha winked at the boy as she dragged you over to the dance floor.

"thank you." you told her as you were out of hearing distance from kevin.

"that boy is worse than a koala clinging to a tree. let's just dance and enjoy ourselves." sasha suggested. you nodded and grinned as you found rhythm with the music.

you and sasha danced together for a good couple of songs before the rest of your group accompanied you. unfortunately, that also meant that kevin had found his way back to your side.

"can i show you something?" he said into your ear since the music was too loud.

"can't it wait?" you asked, your dancing slowly coming to a halt.

kevin just smiled and wrapped his arm around you before beginning to lead you elsewhere.

meanwhile, armin looked at eren who was leaned back in the driver's seat, taking a hit from the blunt they were sharing. the two of them never really smoked much but armin could tell that eren was more tense than usual so he suggested the idea. the music from the frat house could be heard from where they were parked and people were outside the house, smoking or conversating as well.

"any reason you've been distant from y/n?" armin asked as he took the blunt that eren had handed back to him.

eren lulled his head over to stare at his friend. "observing."

"observing what?" armin exhaled the smoke, handing it back to eren. "finish it."

eren did just that before speaking once again. "kevin's intentions. he said he liked her so i decided to give them space to see if that's true."

"and what do you think?"

eren blinked, looking at the roof of his car before letting out a sigh. he took his keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the vehicle. "i think it's time we head inside so i can find a room to nap."

armin rolled his eyes but stumbled out of the car, following eren inside. thankfully once inside, armin spotted annie and headed over to her before losing eren in the sea of people who were grinding against one another as the music seemed to be ten times louder than what it was outside. how eren managed to sleep through parties like this was something that armin never understood.

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