6 • diner talk

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the clouds in the sky had begun to roll in, growing darker. the incoming sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. you looked up at the sky in fear as small droplets of water began to pelt at the ground below you. the tree you had climbed up was way higher than you what you had hoped and from the view of a five year old, the ground was far down below.

you whimpered a bit, unsure of what to do. you knew your grandmother would scold you for climbing the tree when you didn't even know how to get down. it didn't help that the storm was coming any second.

"y/n! it's raining! time to come inside!" she called from the back porch. once she headed back inside you decided the only way to get down was to jump from the tree.

after mentally counting down to 1, you took your leap. you met the ground with a harsh thud followed by a scream of pain. your grandmother comes rushing out as the rain picks up.

"y/n, what happened?" she frantically asks. she helps you sit up as you cradle your left wrist to your chest. her eyes grow wide as she guess you may have broke it.

"i climbed the tree and jumped down. i landed on my arm." you cried out.

"i know it hurts now, but trust me when i say that this is going to be the most painful experience you will ever endure."

the thing is, grandma never warned you about the other types of pain. the pain of losing friends, the pain of feeling unwanted. the pain of heartbreak. but even the heartbreak you were enduring now wasn't the most painful thing of all.

your eyes fluttered open, immediately looking up at eren. your head lay in his lap and you noticed he had your phone in his hand.

"what are you doing on my phone?" you immediately interrogated as you sat up.

"oh, you're awake? i'm deleting pictures of what i'm assuming are of you and kris. you were with him for four years, was it? you're totally out of his league." he stated, still scrolling through your photo gallery. "deleted the ones on instagram too."

"why would you do that?! those are..." your eyes tear up as you recall the events of earlier. that reminds you, when did you even fall asleep? how long were you out for? was the party still going on?the vibrations of the music downstairs answered the last question. "how long was i asleep for?"

eren hums, handing you back your phone. he crosses his arm over his chest. "about thirty minutes. i think you drooled on my leg." he laughs when you quickly pull your hand up to wipe at your mouth. "kidding."

you glare at him, clearly not in the mood for jokes right now. the only thing you wanted to do was crawl in bed and cry. there were so many questions you had that kris left unanswered. not to mention the pounding headache that came from your crying fit earlier.

eren sighed, standing up and reach a hand out towards you. "c'mon, we're leaving."


"the party. we're leaving. you can't stay sulking in the bathroom all night."

he had a point, so you took his hand and stood up. you took a quick glance in the mirror and groaned. the make up you had spent so long to perfect was now a smudged mess. you grabbed a bit of tissues and wet them before trying to clean up some of the mess.

"damn, you look like a raccoon."

"shut up, eren." you toss the tissues in the trashcan as you follow eren out of the restroom.

you had totally forgot where you were and noticed some eyes flicker your way, eyebrows raised and smirks on their faces. you were confused before eren turned back to you and whispered, "they totally think we fucked."

insomnia | e.jaeger Where stories live. Discover now