4 • an invitation

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there was something compelling about the way the sun rose over the horizon as a new day begun. the way it only caught a quick glimpse of the moon as she slowly disappeared to present in another sky. as a child, your grandmother always told you that the sun and moon were lovers in another life but cursed to never be together.

she would often gaze at the sky with you as you both watched the sunrise and set and see that the two would meet for a short time. you always thought it was an invasion of privacy but grandmother said that this was their way of showing how great their love is. even years after she passed, you admired the sunrise and sunset, every day.

but not today as you woke up minutes before your alarm.

startled, you sat up straight in bed to see that the sun has arrived and the moon had already said it's goodbyes. you pout a bit to yourself as you reach for your phone before the obnoxious alarm goes off.

a small yawn escapes your lips as your eyes widen to see you phone call log.

loml eren 🥰
4 hours, 43 minutes.

there was no way you guys had talked for that long. when did you even fall asleep? it was then that you realized this was the most amount of sleep you've gotten in a while without the use of your medications. you plug your phone into the charger as you stretch and get up. you got ready in record time although there was really no need to rush since you had plenty of time.

you decided to make yourself a bagel and head out, heading to the starbucks that was on campus. you ordered yourself an iced chai latte before moving off to the side and waiting. a bustling blonde called out your name and happily handed you your drink.

"thank you." you smiled.

"your name is so pretty! very unique!" she beamed.

"why, thank you lucy." you told her after taking a peek at her name tag on her apron. "see you around."

you sipped at the latte as you made your way to class. the morning breeze was warmer than usual. that's usually how the end of summer tended to be, warmer than the rest of it. you were glad you only decided on some baggy jeans and a graphic tee instead of the hoodie you debated on throwing on.

"y/n!" you heard a familiar voice call. before you could even identify the person, a force was bumped into you, causing you to almost fall back. thankfully, the culprit was able to steady you and themselves.

"jesus, connie! you almost wiped her out there!" jean scolded as he jogged over to you. "you have a good grip, y/n. not a single drop of your drink spilled."

"considering it cost me almost six dollars, of course i didn't want it to spill." you looked up to connie, who still had his arms wrapped around you in a hug. "hi connie."

"hi, y/n. jean, did you know me and y/n are besties now?"

"uh, no. wait i thought me and sasha were your best friends?" jean whined.

"yeah you guys were but we got the bracelets to proof it." connie proudly showed off the bracelet being sported on his wrist. when you were finished grocery shopping yesterday, there was a young girl selling handmade jewelry outside and you couldn't pass up. so you bought one for yourself and connie since he begged you to.

"damn, i'm kinda jealous." jean admitted, the three of you heading to class.

"maybe i'll buy you one next time too." you mused.

insomnia | e.jaeger Where stories live. Discover now